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Post new topic New Cavalier 6 string - Stringmaster pickup very nice indeed
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Author Topic:  New Cavalier 6 string - Stringmaster pickup very nice indeed
George Piburn

The Land of Enchantment New Mexico
Post  Posted 1 Apr 2023 8:04 am    
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Hello from GeorgeBoards™ steel guitars, just can not seem to quit making some sort of steel guitar.

My 2023 effort is buying imports, and modifying to what I am calling Americanized Import for folks who want a modified Import lap steel ready to play out of the box.

I was wanting to install an American pickup, and met Rob Cavalier here on the forum. He is an expert on Fender pickups and has gotten the lap steel bug.

Long story - short he created a 6 string StringMaster pickup to install in my little lap steels.
These are basically a strat shape with level .719 alnico5 magnets -
he did his magic on the wire gauge - winding turns, DCR to make them more stringmaster sounding - super smooth - much flat -er than guitar picks- in general really nice.

Here is a quick video I made for everyone to view.VIDEO >>Click

Contact Rob Cavalier through the forum if you might want some for your projects.

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