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Author Topic:  Pick Noise When Recording Resonator
Douglas Schuch

Valencia, Philippines
Post  Posted 1 Apr 2023 5:07 am    
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I was doing some recording today with my square-neck reso, and was having problems with the mic picking up the noise of my picks going back onto the strings after picking - "pick blocking", basically. I was working on a swing tune that is fairly upbeat, so very fast pick action is needed, as well as fast muting. The microphone was really emphasizing the pick noise (Shure 57, aimed at the cone away from the strings).

I'm sure a lot of this is just practicing, but I also suspect there are some tricks to recording reso without the pick noise being so intrusive. Again, it's not actually picking the strings - it's when the picks go back on the string to mute them and get ready for the next attack. And, also again - it's when recording with a mic directed at the cone. Any suggestions? I cheated and used the mic/aura pedal just to get it done today, but no doubt issues will arise again when I try to record down the road.
Bringing steel guitar to the bukid of Negros Oriental!
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David DeLoach

Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 1 Apr 2023 5:35 am    
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Try experimenting with the mics being less hot, or farther out from the strings, and/or turning down the volume in your headphones.

When using headphones while recording, I've found that if the mics are really hot, or the headphone volume is too loud, I tend to pick more gently and the pick/finger noise ratio tends to be higher on the recording.

But if the headphone volume is turned down, I tend to pick harder which makes the notes to pick noise ratio lower.
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Howard Parker

Post  Posted 1 Apr 2023 7:06 am    
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A SM 57 is versatile but not the best mic for this application. Try moving the mic away from the guitar until the point where you start losing any "richness" of tone.

A better mic will help, of course.

I shot this video on micing dobros a few years ago Click Here! .

You may find it helpful.


- edit to say that David's comment is worth noting, especially if you're just getting into resonator or have transitioned from lap/pedal.

It's an acoustic guitar that you need to "attack" in order to extract it's best tonal characteristics.
Howard Parker

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Douglas Schuch

Valencia, Philippines
Post  Posted 1 Apr 2023 3:17 pm    
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Thanks, guys! Howard, I'm sure I watched your video before, but obviously need to re-watch it! David - yes, I was wearing headphones. On another recent recording project it was not so extreme, and was able to use the recording by using a little "click" removal with the mixing software. But this particular song seemed to really bring out the pick noise. I'll experiment in the next couple of days with your suggestions and see if I can improve it.
Bringing steel guitar to the bukid of Negros Oriental!
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 1 Apr 2023 5:46 pm    
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Every time I walk in the studio with my "Dobro" to record; yes out comes cheap-a$$ mics...I immediately say: "Go Get your most expensive Vocal mic" and WALA; the engineer says: "That is the best sound I've ever heard and easy to record"....(of course I never have this prob. and Tommy Detamore' Cherry Ridge studio; cuz I'm probably using his Dobro..ha...and of course he already knows Mics".....PERIOD!!!!
Ricky Davis
Email Ricky: sshawaiian2362@gmail.com
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Rich Arnold


Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 3 Apr 2023 3:29 pm     Plastic picks work for me.
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I've never thought about pick noise. Either I'm oblivious to it or it's not there. You decide.

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