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Author Topic:  Quilter Aviator Mach 3
Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 25 Jul 2022 3:45 am    
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A few weeks back I carpooled to a gig, at which I needed both steel and Tele. There wasn't quite enough room for my Tonemaster Twin, so I grabbed my Quilter 202 in the blockdock 12" cab. Sounded great, but I found switching between instruments and having to adjust the settings (required more than simply putting an eq pedal in front could handle) a pita. The next Monday I traded in that Quilter for the Aviator Mach 3; I decided that, for me, a two channel amp was a must for dual instrument gigs.

My initial impression is that the 202 was easier to dial in for steel. Fewer tonal options, but the basic sound on the full setting got me into a comfortable spot for steel right away. I suspect I can get there with the Mach 3, but it's not quite as intuitive for me. I know Doug Beaumier (Hi Doug!) has mentioned finding the Plexi setting to be most suitable for steel. I'm sort of going back and forth between that and the Tweed ('61) setting at the moment.

Tone is subjective etc., etc., etc, but what voicings have people found they prefer with this amp? Just looking for some thoughts to help guide my own search.

Thanks in advance.
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Doug Beaumier

Northampton, MA
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2022 8:05 am    
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Hi Dan, Just noticed this post... 6 months later! Smile I'm still using the Mach 3 on some of my gigs, and I use a TT-15 on other gigs.
I use the Plexi setting on the Mach 3 and I cut the MID back quite a bit. The Plexi setting sounds the fullest to me, but it's a bit mid-heavy IMO.

There is a lot of discussion about this on this thread: https://bb.steelguitarforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=379286
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