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Author Topic:  Pete Grant, solo and duo.

Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2022 4:23 pm    
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Pete Grant made the long drive from Auburn, CA, to my neighborhood today but his band mate had a flat tire, leaving Pete to entertain with solo pedal steel for the first 45 minutes of their 2-hour date. This was at Healdsburg Plaza, a beautiful town square on a perfect afternoon. Pete played Beatle songs, some Grateful Dead ("Ripple"), and some country standards. He had his new Sierra S-12 with all Telonics electronics (X12 pickup, volume pedal, and amp). It was a very enjoyable sound!

The singing guitarist showed up with all his gear and we were treated to a second set with Pete in the more traditional role of accompanist. They played original tunes and a few familiar songs from the 60s (more Beatles! Very Happy). Hard work for just two musicians, but a real treat for the audience.

They usually have a third member (bass, I suppose). Their act is called "Brotherly Mud".
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Greg Forsyth


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2022 11:23 am     The Elders"Well Alright Then" album
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Cool to hear about Pete's gig. The Elders, an Irish rock band, lastest album called "Well Alright Then" has some of Pete's very tasteful pedal steel playing on several songs.
Good to see Pete's staying busy with his music.
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