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Author Topic:  Sierra Changer to Bell Crank Rod Assembly
Barry Yasika

Bethlehem, Pa.
Post  Posted 22 May 2022 8:47 pm    
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I know this is a long shot because I asked the same type of question not long ago and was referred to Jim Palenscar of North Country Guitars. He helped me out with a keyless thumb screw and was a really nice fellow. He's pretty busy though and I don't want to pester him with a myriad of minutia about an old guitar I'm tinkering with.

I'm trying to keep as low a budget as possible on the Sierra I have because I'd like to experiment a bit. I am interested to know if anyone who knows the rod assembly from the changer to the bell crank has ever been able to fabricate a rod assembly that does the same thing as originally designed.

I have scoured old posts regarding Sierra guitars and found several regarding different parts but not much regarding what I'm looking for at all. It's been a real challenge however I'm pretty much there on the E9th neck and would like to add the Franklin Drop. Also the C6th neck looks like it's been set up by someone who had their own vision, which means its not like standard codependents I've seen.

It's a great guitar, a bit heavy-ish but well worth trying to get running again. There's so many things about it that make it and interesting guitar. I've noticed a lot of guys went through Grainger and McMaster Carr to improvise parts they needed. Maybe someone out there knows what I need. But anyway, you'd pretty much have had to do what I'm doing and found a way to do it, otherwise I'm not sure you could help. I'll probably figure it all out one of these days if I live long enough, but any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!
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Charley Bond

Inola, OK, USA
Post  Posted 28 May 2022 1:35 pm     I can fulfill that equip...
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If you can supply the dimensions, I can make the equipment 918-543-6600
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Dave Meis

Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 29 May 2022 9:10 am    
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It's been a lot of years since I owned a Session (1994?), but IIRC, the pull rods were all thread with the nylon nut permanently attached to the changer end and threaded through a small (3/8"?) barrel (cross drilled and tapped) for the all thread at the bell crank. Nothing fancy, and all available at the hardware store..except the nylon nut at the changer end..but you could probably find a threaded metal connector the same thread as the all thread.
Not sure if this is the info you're seeking, but I hope it helps...
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 29 May 2022 11:47 am    
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What model is it? Olympic, Crown, or Session? Or is it older than those?
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Barry Yasika

Bethlehem, Pa.
Post  Posted 29 May 2022 7:08 pm     Sierra Parts
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Hi Charlie, I may contact you if I run out of options. At this time I'm just starting to work on the C6th neck and am not sure what all it needs. Maybe not too bad but I'm not sure yet.

Dave and Bob, what I have is a keyless D-10 Session, the serial number is SG D-10S 973 03 (or 93 pretty scraped up but looks more like 03). I have been looking at what Lowes, Home Depot and Ace Hardware have and could probably come up with something that may be "functionally the same" but I'm hoping to keep the integrity of the original design intact as much as I can with out having to put a lot of money into the guitar. Fortunately time is on my side, I own the guitar and don't really need it up and running any time soon. I'm sure North Country Guitars can help me, but I thought I'd save Jim the time and see if there's help on the forum.

The guitar was owned by someone up in New York State and look like its been gigged quite a bit. But it also looks like along the way the owner/s tried to upgrade the guitar with home made parts that just don't quite cut it so I'm getting rid of all that. I have attached pictures of exactly what I'm looking for as far as the rods go. The tough part looks like the tuning end nut which as Dave said is fixed to the end of the rod so it turns the whole rod into the bell crank barrel. There's two other nylon pieces, one a spacer and the other maybe like a bearing. Anyway if you can think of a cost effective way of fabricating something like this I'd love to hear from you.


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