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Author Topic:  Sho Bud pedal rod hooks
Jamie Howarth


Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 13 Mar 2022 8:57 pm    
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I have a ‘74 Sho Bud rack and barrel, which sounds great and stays in tune for a few minutes here and there, LOL - actually good enough to gig with but constantly adjusting for lights, temperature, gusts of wind.

But the Big Problem is the darned pedal rods have this tiny little hook that falls out of the hole way too easily and I can’t get it back in by feel - gotta dive under or ask the guitar player to lift it up so I can hook it back in. Painful.

Any tips/tricks/modifications? If i get rocking inevitability i brush a rod with my toe and sayonara…
I'll know I'm playing good when the dog stops howling.
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Ian Worley

Sacramento, CA
Post  Posted 13 Mar 2022 10:33 pm    
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Sounds like you're probably installing the rods backwards. The pedal rods are supposed to go between the front apron and the pedal crank, with the hook facing the rear. To install them it's necessary to angle the rod to insert the hook through the hole in the crank, so they can't fall out while you're playing.
All lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest - Paul Simon
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Jamie Howarth


Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 14 Mar 2022 6:56 am    
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Ian Worley wrote:
Sounds like you're probably installing the rods backwards. The pedal rods are supposed to go between the front apron and the pedal crank, with the hook facing the rear. To install them it's necessary to angle the rod to insert the hook through the hole in the crank, so they can't fall out while you're playing.

I know, right? One inserts the hook through the hole at an angle…from behind the crank …where the downward pedal action moves the base of the rod back closer to the player and makes it even easier for the hook to fall out.

Tried them both ways, same result, though one would think that having the hook face the front apron would be safer wrt a toe nudge from behind - that would seat them further into the hole:

The hook is too short, the langoe not acute enough but monster force won’t bend them. Was thinking about some grommet or o-ring to at least add some resistance but can’t find one that fits and the amount of hook protruding through the hole is less than 1/16”.

I'll know I'm playing good when the dog stops howling.
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Mike DiAlesandro

Kent, Ohio
Post  Posted 14 Mar 2022 8:32 am    
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Put rod in vise.

Heat the bends in the rod with a propane torch using map gas.

Bend them in a bit until they are able to stay put.

Problem solved.

Mike D
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 14 Mar 2022 8:55 am    
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Okay, if you have too much space between the rod and the apron and that's making the rods fall out, then just add something quick and easy to the inside of the apron. This thick felt can easily be cut into strips and stuck to the inside of the apron, and it's cheap and available at any hardware or home builders store.

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