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Author Topic:  Pedal 0 height and LKL adjustment
Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2021 7:00 am    
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For those of you who have the 0 pedal far left next to the leg, how do you adjust the pedal height to make it accessible without interfering with P1 and/or the LKL?
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Edward Dixon

Crestview Florida
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2021 7:55 am    
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Being an absolute beginner, I have no idea what's right or wrong but...

My Mullen G2 has the P0 pedal about 3/16" higher than the P1 pedal. My LKL was too far left when I bought the guitar. I have adjusted it and will probably move it even farther right, now that I know what it does.

At 72, I'm just skin and bones these days. I now weigh less that 115. If I were at my average adult weight of 165 the LKL would probably be in the right place where it is. So the LKL lever doesn't interfere with P0 at all for me. I would have to swing my knee deliberately left to even be close to touching the LKL lever.

My P0 pedal centerline is 4" from the left leg of the G2 and the inside edge of the LKL lever is 8" from the leg.
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2021 8:03 am    
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Slightly higher than P1.

My 0 lowers 5 and 10 by 1/2 step, so it works together with a split on P1 (A) or separately. I don’t quite have the leg and ankle technique to do all it is capable of doing, and I cheat by going to it flat-footed when I just want to lower the B’s without a roll on to P1. Doing an outside ankle roll to engage 0 is not possible for me without activating LKL. I do work at it, and hope to be able to do it someday. I have only had this guitar for a few months, and the 0 position pedal (about 2” from left leg) is a new twist.
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2021 4:43 pm    
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Thanks for your replies guys. I was hoping for more input but nothing like trial and error. I'll just add it on and find out. I'm accustomed to having the Franklin pedal on pedal 8 or 9, but I'll see how it works on the extreme left 0 pedal.
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2021 5:38 am    
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I've decided to leave it on pedal 8 along with a change on the C neck. I'm just used to it over there and used to two footing anyway.
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Justin Emmert


Greensboro, NC
Post  Posted 17 Nov 2021 5:55 pm    
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I just put my 5 & 10 1/2 lower on P0 last week. Definitely had to raise P0 a good bit above my A pedal. No problem if I wanna mash A & P0 together for a 1/2 tone raise, but if I want to just use P0 by itself, it was tough to not touch the A pedal a little, which would definitely make the lower out of tune. I was planning on adjusting some slack out of my A pedal once I got all the fine tuning done from the copedent change, but I’m thinking I may leave it in to help the A pedal not be so touchy. I think for now it’s just gonna be some adjustment on how I move my foot and roll the ankle to make sure I hit the P0 just right so I don’t trigger the A pedal any. Time and practice will tell.
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Bengt Erlandsen


Brekstad, NORWAY
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2021 3:37 pm    
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Pedal A pressed will dictate the maximum height of pedal 0.

Pedal A height(not pressed) will dictate the lowest position for pedal 0.

One should be able to go from
Pedal 0 fully pressed to....
Pedal 0 and pedal A fully pressed to....
Pedal A fully pressed

or the other way around
without the left knee moving very much sideways

With only Pedal 0 fully pressed one should be almost touching LKL and/or pedal A(not engaged)

I prefer a shorter movement on the P0 compared to pedal A.

Somewhere within the max/min range explained at the beginning of my post should be possible to find a comfortable P0

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Dan Robinson

Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 20 Nov 2021 9:34 am    
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The Carter SD-10 I'm playing now came with P0 set higher than the A pedal. I've seen several other players who had it that way.

But P0 interfered with my use of the A pedal. Might be different if I wore boots with pointy toes, but I had dificulty actuating JUST pedal A, without accidentally touching pedal B. Having to press A with just the outside edge of my foot, ankle rolled is a non-starter.

I tried setting P0 lower than A. Still no joy. I wasn't using it much, and finally disconnected it. Someday (in my dreams) when I've mastered A, B and C, maybe I'll try again.
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2021 4:52 pm    
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Thanks Dan. Appreciate your input. I play the Emmons setup and initially thought I'd put the Franklin 5,6,10 lower pedal over there at 0, but in simulated trials, I was afraid I might have interference.

I'm speculating that may be one reason that folks put the Franklin pedal at position 4.

Moving the A&B pedals left one spot, starting with 0, and KL's to match up might be a better option. Even better if ordered set up that way.

I have the "splat" pedal, commonly on 8, at position 4 so adding the Franklin change would really load that pedal down. As a result, I'm leaving it on pedal 8 with a couple custom C neck changes where 'tis now.

Educational info from everybody. Still learning. Thx.
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2021 7:10 pm    
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On my Excel U12 E9/B6, I had Mitsuo make my zero pedal about 1 1/2" longer than the other pedals. That way I can have a "home" position for my left heel where just by swiveling my foot off that heel location I can hit pedals 0,1,2 & 3 one at a time or any two adjacent pedals and rock between them without moving my heel or inadvertently engaging my left knee levers. The long zero pedal makes that layout possible. BTW, my 0 pedal raises my 9th and 10th strings (B & G#) 3 half steps up to D & B essentially restoring the standard E9 10 string tuning on my first 10 strings.
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