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Author Topic:  Bluegrass Sound on CMT
Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 5 May 2002 10:47 am    
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Just got done watching a show (actually the last 15 minutes or so)on CMT on Bluegrass music and the instruments that are used for bluegrass. There is a great segment on the resonator guitar and a visit to Tim Sheerhorn's shop. I recommend watching this show if you can.

Also on this show were the Dixie Chicks singing a song that I think is called "A Soldiers Coming Home". I believe this was taped at whatever the country music awards show was that was telecast not long after Sept. 11th. It is a beautiful, soulful and simple song that brought tears to my eyes when I watched the awards show and again today when I saw it again. I hope they record this song.

Carter D10 9p/10k
Richard Sinkler

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