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Author Topic:  Webb 614e and Active VP
Dan Hockstein

Washington DC, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2021 5:39 am    
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Hi all,

I currently have a Webb 614-e listed in the for sale section, but wanted to come over here and maybe troubleshoot a bit before getting rid of it - I happened to pick it up for a nice price from local CL and coming by another one I'd want to snag might be tricky.

I've been using the Webb with my Marlen S10 3x4 and a Lehle Mono Volume 90, since I got sick of troubleshooting Goodrich moving parts on gigs etc. The Webb sounds great with a Goodrich but has a high harmonic kind of squeal with the Lehle I just can't dial out with the onboard EQ or any controls. I'm aware of the difference in loading between something like the Lehle and a passive pot, but even so, it seems like a much more drastic difference than I'd expect.

The Webb has the original 4 ohm JBL, and I'm wondering if replacing it with something like a neodymium Eminence might tame things a bit, or if the front end of the Webb just isn't designed to see the buffered signal coming out of the Lehle and that's my trouble.

What kind of variables should I be considering here? Would y'all just swap out the Lehle for something else if you were me?
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Jim Cooley

The 'Ville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2021 6:57 am    
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I've owned a Webb 6-14E for several years. I have had the original Peavey JBL and Telonics 4 Ohm speakers in it. I have used Goodrich pot pedals, a Hilton and Goodrich Omni volume pedals. I've never experienced the problem you described.

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Dan Hockstein

Washington DC, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2021 7:09 am    
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Just to be clear, I don't think it's an issue with the amp (though maybe it could use a service like anything else that's as old as it is, it's functioning just fine), but a mismatch somewhere - the "harmonic squeal" isn't anything the amp's doing but more of a sharp peak ~10kHz or so in my tone that I can't seem to dial out.
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2021 9:46 am    
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I've never had a problem with the amp and an active pedal. Very Happy
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Barry Coker

Bagley Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2021 3:32 pm    
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I had a similar issue with an Evens amp. I contacted Scott
at Evans and was told there were a several things that could cause what you are describing. From String height to effect chain order and sometimes just too many electronica between the pickup and the amp and even the order in the chain.
His suggestion was to start guitar to amp and even try a couple of cords to make sure the cable isn't the problem then add 1 thing at a time Pot Petal then active pedal and so on. My problem was the active pedal in combination with my pedal chain.

Good Luck
Zum-D-10, Webb 614-E, 65 Pro Reverb, Evans RE200, 69 Gibson Birdland, 89 Telecaster EAD Bad!!
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