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Author Topic:  Telonics volume pedal models?
David Higginbotham


Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2018 11:35 am    
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I've searched the archives but can't seem to find the answer I seek. I have a Mullen MVP 600 labeled Telonics pedal that, if I understand correctly, would be the FP200 since the pivot shaft is nearest the center and I believe the FP100 would have the pivot shaft installed further toward the heel? Both sets of holes are available although it has to be changed by the factory. I'm perfectly fine with the one I have and sold my other brand pedals after getting the Mullen/Telonics pedal as its far superior to any other pedal I've ever used.

So my question is what is the significance of the FP100-C? What do the letters (A, B, C) following the model number indicate? And please feel free to further educate me. One thing for certain is I have no intention of ever using any other pedal should I decide to play again in the future.
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David Hodan

Denton, Texas; USA
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2018 1:08 pm    
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I was just looking for this myself.
This is from the FP-100C manual on the Telonics Website.
They have manuals for other/older models there also...

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Robert Rhea

Panama City, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2021 10:18 am    
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I spoke to Sophie at Telonics and she told me that they were putting a new letter on the end of the 100 that corresponded with each time they replaced the die to stamp the metal. A TP-100A would have been made around 2011-2013, 100B would have been make about 2013-2015, and so on. After D, they stopped putting letters on them. So a TP-100 without any letter could be one of the first ones made, or almost new.

If you do have an older one, you can update the firmware by going to their website and downloading the updater software and attach a USB cable from your computer to the pedal. That will give you the latest versions of each taper setting.

They are also no longer offering different colors. The anodization process makes it difficult to keep the colors standardized and the color varied too much.
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George Seymour

Notown, Vermont, USA
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2021 11:03 am    
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and no longer a "P" or "S" model.. Just got another one brand new
Old Emmons D-10's & Wrap Resound 65, Standel amps!
Old Gibson Mastertones
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