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Author Topic:  Speaker recommendations for a kemper
Bill McCloskey

Nanuet, NY
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2020 11:47 am    
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I have a Kemper profiler I love and I use a Atomic CLR NEO which has a 10 inch speaker.

I've just added a tuning with a very low end, G#2. I'm looking for something that gives me a clearer low end. The 10 inch sort of bottoms out.

Any suggestions?
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Scott Denniston

Hahns Peak, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 21 Dec 2020 3:29 pm    
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I've only played out with it a couple of times. I used a Yamaha DSR 112. No complaints about the bottom end at all. I had it behind me for that speaker-on-stage feel. It was also going out mono to the pa board. What the audience heard mostly was through the pa I think. That Yamaha is their high end one with way more power than it needs for this purpose. I'd like to try the fairly new "Kemper Kone" speaker and put it in my own cabinet. I've read great reviews on the Kone and it's also sold with their "Kabinet". It's not powered so one needs to add an uncolored power amp so the models come through right. A lot of guys have tried a BAM200 and love it. It's a very small 200W power amp that was designed for bass players but is evidently a class D amp and relatively uncolored. The BAM is cheap ($170 or so) and the Kone is about the same. As I understand--it reflects whatever speaker IR you have in the cab of the profile you're using. So it apparently has a better and more accurate guitar speaker profile than a flat pa speaker in the real world. Theoretically better as an on stage speaker when you're using it as your amp and not going through a pa. Designed to work with the Kemper and I guess works only with the Kemper. The powered Yamaha DSR 112 sounds just great to me but I'd still like to try that Kone speaker. Like a thousand speakers in one.
EDIT: Now reading more about the Kone it seems that it was developed by Celestion for Kemper. It's made to be tuned like a guitar speaker but is FRFR ?? A little confusing to me. I guess it interacts with IRs in the Kemper but sounds/feels more like a guitar speaker than a pa FRFR speaker.
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