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Author Topic:  Calling all gearless steel guitar players
Johnny Baker


Southport, Fla
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2020 10:35 am    
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I am not new to steel guitar but, I am new to trying to
the gearless units. Yes, I have a Sierra S12 and have been working on it, off/on, since Hurricane Michael, in an attempt to get it back up and running again. I've had the gearless tuner completely apart, cleaned it up, and lightly so very lightly applied a replacement grease in the proper places, where it had it before. One thing that I am astounded with and it bothers me is that there are no tuning videos, by anyone, that I have found so far. There is no mystery as to how a geared steel is re-strung and tuned. The mystery is how to re-string and tune a gearless unit, of most any sort and that my friends really is a shame and a disgrace.

I am looking for any video(s) that will help me, with this project and I am hoping that is will be close enough to a Sierra that I can actually see what is being done and understand it. Please, I have already seen that video, on the Sierra site, that is of such poor quality until it's really worthless to someone trying to learn this.

I am also asking someone to consider making a video or several videos to help those of us who are attempting to learn this great instrument. I may sound mean and harsh but I am not, just making a point here and I know that gearless units are not nearly as popular as they other to.

Any help would be deeply appreciated. I thank you for your time.

I am currently running a Simmons SD10, Peavey Nashville 400 that's packing a 15" BW, Peavey Delta Fex effects processor, and a Match Box. Best rig I've ever run and the sound is truly incredible.
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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2020 11:45 am    
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There were a few different Sierra Gearless Tuners over the years.
Can you post a picture of the tuners on the model you have?
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Aaron Johnson


Lemoore, CA
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2020 4:05 pm    
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From the Sierra manual online

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Len Amaral


Rehoboth,MA 02769
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2020 4:11 pm    
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I have been playing Sierra and keyless guitars for decades. It's not complicated to restring and tune. You do need a cylander about 1/2 inch by 2-1/2 inches long with a hole in the center to insert the string and pull it around the hex nut.

Make sure the tuning nut that pulls the tuning assembly is completely loose so you have enough travel to pull the string up to pitch. Do not cut the string until until you are sure the string is tuned and stable as you may have to repeat the pulling process. if you cut the string and run out of travel, that string is useless and will have to be replaced.

Hope this helps....
I survived the sixties!
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Bobby D. Jones


West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2020 6:22 pm    
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Aaron and Len have covered about everything to cover the keyless tuning system.
I would suggest, When you get ready to change strings. Take one string and release the tension, Play with the tuner and watch the levers and get an understanding how the Levers work to tighten the string so it can be brought to tune.

2 rules to remember 1. Make sure the tuner is adjust to its lowest point before applying a new string. be sure to use a dowel with a hole to run the string through as in the picture to pull the string tight before tightening the lock screw on the string.

Only 1 wrap without over lap on the screw holds better than applying multie wraps on the screw.

Good Luck and Happy Steelin.
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2020 7:21 pm    
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I've always just pulled the string tight with needle nose pliers, then tuned it up to pitch.
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Larry Allen

Kapaa, Kauai,Hawaii
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2020 11:24 am    
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I use a 6”x3/4” dowel with a .060 & .010 holes in the middle to accept the different sizes..then get the pitch up to 1/2” lower than right pitch....(put the string through the hole, fold over 90 degrees, wrap the slack around the folded wire for extra grip, especially the small strings.. :)eek:
Excel steels & Peavey amps,Old Chevys & Motorcycles & Women on the Trashy Side
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2020 11:42 am    
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I'm not aware of any videos, but you might search on youtube.

If you care to do a forum search, this operation has been discussed many times here for various keyless systems.
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Daniel McKee


Corinth Mississippi
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2020 2:03 pm    
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There really arent any videos specific to Sierra or any of the others for that matter (there is one for Schild) . There are some excellent forum discussions though. I've got a keyless steel being built and look forward to it being a learning opportunity as Ive never owned one but I too would love to see some actual demonstration videos.
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