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Author Topic:  New Electric Hawaiian Guitar Stand
Bill Dillof


Lee, MA, USA
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2002 5:27 pm    
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I'm a new member - please forgive me if this question is naive. My 1942 Gibson catalogue shows (at p. 54) a "New Electric Hawaiian Guitar Stand". It is holding, and seems specific to, a model EH-(150 or 185)lap steel. It is supported by a tripod, and is collapsible. As an owner of an EH-185, I would love to have such a stand. Does anyone have any thoughts as to where I might come by one? Thanks.

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oj hicks

Springville, AL
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2002 6:19 pm    
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Hi, Bill.

Yeah, it comes up frequently. One of the first questions I asked when I enrolled to the Forum. Answer is they are pretty rare and very expensive if a vintage stand can be found. But some of the guys are using a keyboard stand and laying the guitar on that. That's what I presently use. I put a couple of soft fabric rubber strips on each side of the stand where the guitar rests. The rubber material is the stuff used to line cabinet shelves, tool boxes, etc. I forget what its called but you can find it in Target stores, Walmart, etc. Some of the other guys use their own design of saw horses, etc. Some use the bottom portion of drum stands, etc. There are several threads on the subject if you will do a search for "Lap steel stands," "Guitar stands," etc.

Welcome to the Forum.

oj hicks
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Buck Dilly


Branchville, NJ, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2002 9:29 pm    
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Here's a great solution: I found a music stand that fols up nice and small. It is a black tubular type available in most music stores. It may be "Ultimate support". It's very adjustable, has hole in the music part, and naturally will double as a very good music stand. $35 of $40??
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