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Author Topic:  Replace Excel Pickup With Rick
oj hicks

Springville, AL
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2000 7:38 pm    
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I'm sure someone may have thought of this, and may have discussed it in a previous thread which I missed. I have an Excel Frypan, which I understand is essentially a replica of the Rickenbacker Frypan. The major exception is the Excel pickup horseshoe is not magnetized, as was the Rick pickup. Just wondering about the possiblity of finding a less expensive Rick (which I understand has the same pickups as the more expensive Frypans and Bakelites), and replacing the Excel pickup with the Rick pickup.

Any thoughts on this possiblity?

The other option would be to approach Fuzzy and see if he would develop a magnetized pickup that is essentially a copy of the original Rickenbacker pickup. He certainly did a good job on duplication the other aspects of the guitar.

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Rick Aiello

Berryville, VA USA
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2002 9:49 am    
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I just did

1 1/2" Horseshoe Magnets

Jason Lollar made a Custom wound 8 string bobbin and a custom mounting plate.

It fit perfectly...Almost as if Excel had designed the "bay" to hold the "big shoes".

And for all y'all "vintage purists"...no Rickenbachers were injured in the process...I just moved some of MY OWN mags around.

Finally, a fittin' companion for my Sierra 8.

Thank you Oakley H. and Jason L. !!!!!

[This message was edited by Rick Aiello on 18 March 2002 at 10:01 AM.]

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Bill Leff

Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2002 2:17 pm    
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Now put the Excel pickup in the Ric and see how that sounds!
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Rick Aiello

Berryville, VA USA
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2002 3:31 pm    
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Thats was the first thing I tried once the Frypan was set up.

Lets just say I'm glad I had enough "Shoes in my Closet"
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oj hicks

Springville, AL
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2002 5:49 pm    
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Great work, Rick and Jason. I could not imagine why it would not work fine. Somewhere in the past I heard that the Excel
Frypan body is made from the same patterns, purchased by Fuzy.

Rick, now we have to figure out how you can stack the Sierra and the modified Frypan on another of your very ingenious rigs and have the two of JB's favorite tunings at your finger tips...now downtime to retune, etc !
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Rick Aiello

Berryville, VA USA
Post  Posted 18 Mar 2002 7:08 pm    
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Oakley...I've spent the last week gettin' ready for the Frypan by modifyin' my "Sawhorse Stand". I couldn't get both on it and still be comfortable (I didn't like reachin' over one to get to the other). So I just "prettied" it up with some fancier wood and made some "adjustable" supports for a "quick" change between the two.

I have been thinkin' of a "Lazy Susan" type device that would let me lay the guitars in opposite directions and then "spin" them to go from one to the other...then I wouldn't have to reach over. I haven't found a suitable "rotor" ....I'm thinkin' of some kinda ball-bearing thing sandwiched between two pieces of steel. Would have to be pretty heavy duty.

Isolatin' the steel from the stand with that "Amazing Foam" weather stripping is incredible !!!! It REALLY keeps the energy from leakin' out of the guitar into the stand. The Sierra never sounded better and the new Frypan has that "Hollow" sound I was after.

I'm goin' to take some pictures and I'll send ya some when I get them developed.
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oj hicks

Springville, AL
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2002 7:37 pm    
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Hey, Rick.

A "Lazy Susan." Now why didn't I think of that! Sounds like an idea one on which one could secure a patent! Now we have to come up with a song entitled "Lazy Susan."
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New Jersey
Post  Posted 20 Mar 2002 9:17 am    
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fuzzy got the patterns from Sho-Bud when he worked there
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oj hicks

Springville, AL
Post  Posted 20 Mar 2002 8:03 pm    
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Hi, Mikey

I'm not up to speed on the history of the Frypan. Did Sho-Bud or Rickenbacker originally develope it? Who had it last?

Incidentally, how are things on the Islands? My wife and I have had the great thrill and privilege of visiting the Islands three times...once in 1986 and again in 1991. First time...Oahu, Kawaii, & Big Island; second time...Oahu, Maui & Big Island. First time (1986) we arrived in Honolulu, checked in, and hot footed it down to the Hotel where JB was supposed to be playing. He was off on tour that night. Big, Big disappointment, though the guys picking that night were "super-pickers."


oj hicks
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Rick Aiello

Berryville, VA USA
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2002 8:49 am    
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Oakley...I found my heavy duty "Lazy Susan"
Item # 1797K21 (click on catalog page)


EZ-Position Turntables
Detent stops on these turntables give you repeatable positioning capability. Space-saving design is only 5/16" high. Ball bearings are housed in a large circular race, providing smooth, stable motion. Turntables are made of electro-galvanized cold-rolled steel with carbon steel ball bearings and come greased for quiet operation. They mount with standard self-tapping screws (not included).
4-Stop turntable has four detents spaced at 90° intervals; 8-Stop turntable has detents every 45°. Load capacity for 9" turntables is 750 lbs.; for 12" turntables, 1000 lbs.

This brings the "Ultimate Non-pedal Steel Stand" cost to about $35 total. (For y'all who are just tunin' in) ... http://steelguitarforum.com/Forum2/HTML/002556.html

[This message was edited by Rick Aiello on 21 March 2002 at 09:24 AM.]

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oj hicks

Springville, AL
Post  Posted 21 Mar 2002 6:30 pm    
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If they ever revive that show, "Mission Impossible" again I know who I'm going to nominate for the leading role. I used to order parts from that company years ago when I worked in nuclear tool design.

Great idea. Put you a board with a cradle for each guitar on it. When you get tired of playing on one guitar, wheel that sucker around and pick the dickens out of the other.

Seriously, you might be onto something there.

oj hicks
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