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Author Topic:  Purchasing recommendation requested.
Jeff Goller


South Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2020 6:21 am    
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Hi guys and gals, need some opinions:

Currently have a Carter starter, but I have interest in designing my own coppedants. Unfortunately, my Carter Starter is limited in this regard. I'm looking for a "Not expensive" 6 or 10 string that allows ANY string to be assigned to any pedal/lever with my choice of raise/lover by 1/2 or a full step. Does such an animal even exist? Can you give some examples? What would this feature of "fully assignable" pedals be called in the parlance?

Thanks in advance for any recommendations in finding such an animal.

Jeff "Doc" Goller
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Charley Bond

Inola, OK, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2020 6:55 am     Here's your NEW Steel Guitar
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this beauty is as good as they come. Folks that like them, swear by them, others feel they are too heavy.



I'm 77 & I wouldn't have anything else. It will never be worth less money, but possibly will be worth more someday, They were called the Rolls Royce of the Steel Guitar & then folks started complaining about the weight. It is possibly the most precision guitar that has ever been made.

Good Luck in finding you a great guitar...
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2020 10:14 am    
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Jeff, probably most if not ALL modern era changers will allow for any string to be raised or lowered. What you need is bellcranks ( pullers) on cross shafts to perform this task. The limiting factor would be how many RAISES or LOWERS do you want on each string? So be sure to grab a Steel with at least a 3 up 3 down changer , a bag full of PULLERS and a box full of rods ! Then let the fun begin ! Very Happy
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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