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Author Topic:  Vacation in Hawaii - Crown LP
David Matzenik

Cairns, on the Coral Sea
Post  Posted 13 May 2020 2:45 pm    
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I was not able to find this on Youtube, but if you have Spotify, there are several albums by a group listed as "The Hawaiians." Vacation in Hawaii is well worth a listen. The steel player is highly competent and imaginative, and they get a very nice tone. This is well recorded. The arrangements have a swing sensibility, a stand-out being "Waikiki Hula," which is getting on for rock and roll. Crown was a cheap label from the late 50s. The other LPs by "The Hawaiians" are not as good as "Vacation in Hawaii," but its a great shame the personnel are not listed.
Don't go in the water after lunch. You'll get a cramp and drown. - Mother.
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 13 May 2020 3:55 pm    
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I think this is it on Youtube:


There's another LP by that group on Youtube called "Hawaiian Holiday Volume 2".

It contains a version of Tomi Tomi which appears to be the very same track as Tomi Tomi by "The Polynesians" on Crown---the only difference being that the Polynesians version has a 2 second steel intro that is cut from the version by "The Hawaiians".

Leading me to think that it may be the same group, just using different made up names for whoever was in the studio....typical budget label shenanigans.

I think it might be Sam Koki on steel on Tomi Tomi, but I don't know about your LP.

I think the Polynesians various LPs at times had both Bernie Ka'ai and Freddie Tavares on steel--in addition to Koki.
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David Matzenik

Cairns, on the Coral Sea
Post  Posted 14 May 2020 12:59 pm    
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Yes, that's the album. Great playing, and Tomi Tomi is another stand-out from the other LP.
Don't go in the water after lunch. You'll get a cramp and drown. - Mother.
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