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Daniel Morris

Westlake, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2020 4:09 pm    
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I'm not in the market for another amp, but I am curious: does anyone use a Hughes & Kettner amp (combo or head/cab) for pedal steel?
If so, which one?
I'm quite satisfied with my Milkman and Dr. Z tube amps, but as I say, I'm curious....
1979 MSA U12 Pedal Steel
1982 Kline U12 Pedal steel
2019 Sierra U12 Pedal Steel
2011 Bear Creek MK Weissenborn
Milkman 40W Mini amp w/Telonics 15" speaker.
Dr. Z Surgical Steel w/TT 15" speaker.
Frenzel MB-50 head.
Spaceman, Empress, Eventide, Pigtronix.
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Sandy Inglis

Christchurch New Zealand
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2020 3:55 am    
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I don't use one on Steel (I use a Hi-Watt), but our Lead Guitarist uses a small 18Watt H&K Combo and it sounds amazing. I was trying out my refurbished Gibson SG recently through my Hi-Watt (20/40Watt)and It was suggested our guitarist try it through his amp. Well I was surprised at the nicer sound the H&K put out (compared to my Hi-Watt). It can put out quite a sound at gigs. I now have to upgrade the pre-amp tubes in my amp to get it to sound similar!

01'Zumsteel D10 9+9; Sho Bud D10 SuperPro; 6 String Lap Steel (Homemade); Peavey Nashville 1000; Fender Deluxe 85;
1968 Gibson SG; Taylor 710 CE; Encore Tele Copy; Peterson Tuner; HIWATT T40 C 40W/20W Combo
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 28 Apr 2020 10:12 am    
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Low-watt amps usually just don't cut it for pedal steel. They lack clean headroom and they (usually) have very little in the way of tonal latitude. They can work great for straight guitars, but straight guitars are a different animal because they almost always have multiple pickups, switching networks, and tone and volume controls. These give the straight guitarist far more sound options. Pedal steelers are stuck with just a bridge pickup, and normally their guitars have no tone controls. That's a limitation that almost no lead player would tolerate.
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