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Author Topic:  RKR lever for Sho Bud Permanent
David Ball

North Carolina High Country
Post  Posted 9 Feb 2020 3:13 pm    
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I have an early sixties Madison permanent that had the pulls set up underneath for a RKR knee lever raising the F#s, but there was no lever and there wasn't any room underneath to add a shaft to add one. There were a few extra holes on the left end plate, so I had figured that's somehow the way that a lever had been put on years back.

It wasn't until a couple of days ago when I was looking at an old crossover on Reverb, that I saw a lever that was obviously the way my guitar had been set up in the past.

I built a similar lever and installed it on my guitar, and it works great! Nice to have that change.

So my question is--is this a pretty common way that knee levers were added in the earlier days that I've just missed?

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