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Author Topic:  Help with a Mike Auldridge solo?
Andrew Wright


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 12 Oct 2019 6:51 pm    
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I'm horrible at pedal steel.

I'm trying to figure out a Mike Auldridge solo from a Chesapeake tune. Got the first bit, but I'm fishing all over for the next part and just not finding it. Anybody have time to help point me in the right direction?


Solo starts at 1:50. I have from 1:50-1:54, but I can't find the riff from 1:55- 2:00 to save my life.
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John Steele


Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 14 Oct 2019 9:45 am    
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I don't know if Mike used a 5th string half tone lower or not.... or if you have one, but either way -
When you get down to the third fret, strings 5,6 & 8,
no pedals, then push your A pedal on and off again quickly, then go down to fret one, same strings, and either lower your 5th with a lever, or alternatively leave the 5th string open while still barring 6 & 8 at the first fret.
Then it goes back up again, so either let the lever go, or replace the bar on the 5th string at the first fret, then move the whole mess back up to 3.
I'm pretty sure Mike is using a lever to lower 5, but in this particular case, you have the option of using the open string instead. That's my best guess, fwiw.
- John
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Andrew Wright


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 14 Oct 2019 11:05 am    
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Thank you, John! I'll try that tonight and see if I can at least get into the ballpark...
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