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Author Topic:  C6 - As to B and A to G# - P4 and knee lever?
John Poston


Albuquerque, NM, USA
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2006 10:51 am    
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I have one guitar with As to B on traditional pedal four, but no A to G# lower.
My Emmons has A to G# lower on pedal four, but no As to B.

Would I be at a disadvantage to put As to B on a knee lever on the Emmons? I feel like I would use A to G# in more combinations and would be better suited with that on the knee lever - but that's a lot more work to accomplish. I've never played a guitar with both changes so I'm not sure.
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2006 12:08 pm    
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John-It would be nice to have them both on separate knee levers. With the A to B, you wouldn't need to use P7 so much so you could keep your foot on the volume pedal more.

And if you had the A to G# on your left knee and your A to B on your right knee, you could possibly get a split to Bb the C7, with both.

The split won't work if you have a PP Emmons as the raise would domminate.

A vertical would be nice with only one half tone pull for the G#...very short and quick.......

That A to G# was put there by someone that was figuring right. If you can't get it on the knee, as it is best used right next to P5 the D7/9th.

It gives you with both pedals down for one, an nice augmented chord there, very handy.

I use it in" Duke Ellingtons"s"Take the "A" train", for one. Run up every two frets with it.....al

My Website..... www.cmedic.net/~almarcus/

[This message was edited by Al Marcus on 20 February 2006 at 12:20 PM.]

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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2006 1:50 pm    
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I like A to B on a knee lever. I use it only on the high A, with a half tone stop at B flat.
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