Looking at all these topics about P/P's and their value makes me want to ask this question.
I rebuild a S10 P/P student model(Emmons).
It now has 3x5 and has an original Emmons aluminum neck.The changer and all the parts are repolished.New bellcranks.New knee-levers etc etc.
It has a new cabinet that has a laquer finish and is made out of Birdseye maple.
New legs and rods.Come to think of it.It is almost brandnew....And no student model anymore...and it has the real P/P tone....
I am trying to get some insurance on this instrument but like to know the value of such an instrument.There are a few pictures of this instrument when I was working on it and they are in the topic listed below.
[This message was edited by Ronald Steenwijk on 09 February 2006 at 05:03 PM.]