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Author Topic:  Old portastudio, Tascam 788, switches/buttons intermittent


Los Angeles
Post  Posted 31 Mar 2019 11:49 am    
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The title says it all.

I thought about posting this in the Recording section, but since it's more "electrical" in nature I opted for here.

I hate to give up on this machine.
I don't know if the switches/pushbuttons are dirty or worn out.

If you are familiar with this machine you know what type of mechanism I'm talking about.
They are not like the switches on an effects box.

I have not taken it apart to see (yet).
I have feeling that actually seeing them may be a major disassembly, which I don't think I'd be up for.
I may not get it back together. ;>))

I don't know if they are mechanical, or some kind of "membrane" type (for lack of a better term).

I have turned the internet inside out, and there is nothing on this problem or anything related.

Anybody got any ideas/tips?

What I'm thinking of doing is:
1) Do not disassemble the unit.
2) Lightly spray some contact cleaner/lubricant safe for plastics around the top of the switch/button, hoping that it seeps down inside. Work the switch/button several times.
3) Follow that up with some Caig Deoxit D100. I looked at the Caig website, and this seemed to be the type most applicable.
4) Pray.

Ant better ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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Godfrey Arthur


3rd Rock
Post  Posted 1 Apr 2019 12:44 am    
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Would venture a guess that it would need to be disassembled to get at the contacts underneath it being digital must have contacts like a remote control with rubber actuator pads, to clean both.

There are service manuals being sold online for this model.

20 year old technology using SCSI drives.

There's a TASCAM forum for this model. Might want to ask them over there.

Or you could try pressing the buttons repeatedly until some of the oxidation on the contacts wears off to make a connection.
ShoBud The Pro 1
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Ezekiel 33:7
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