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Author Topic:  Practice method-Warm-up
Ron Hogan


Nashville, TN, usa
Post  Posted 11 Mar 2019 6:47 am    
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Practice Method

Actual practice track:

Click here

Rhythm track:

Click here

I use the ZOOM H4n digital recorder for practicing or a warm-up before I play. It does so many things and very handy. I create a Band In the Box practice track and then load it to the ZOOM. I also take the rhythm track and record it on my cell phone so I can use the track to warm up on stage with an earphone attached to the cell phone.

The ZOOM lets you slow down and speed up your rhythm track so that you can start slow and then increase the rhythm speed. This track I set for 80.

These tracks are low quality as I had background noise, but did the trick for just practicing. You can practice a lick all day long, but there is nothing like having an actual rhythm to keep you centered and on your toes.

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