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Author Topic:  New Hardware for my Mullen SD12
Dennis Montgomery

Western Washington
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2019 11:24 am    
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After a lot of trying things out and studying past threads I decided to buy and install an LKV on my 7x4 Mullen G2 SD-12. I also ordered their vertical knee extension piece because as someone said in a past thread, a vertical knee is no good if you can only play it with your left foot on the pedals. I think with the extension and the fact that I set my Mullen up with such a light touch, I'll be able to use LKV with pedals or the floor for leverage.

I decided to add the LKV B-Bb for a few reasons. First, when I altered my copedent to be more in line with BE's E9, I began thinking...hmmm...Buddy has this so there must be more to this LKV B-Bb than I realized. Second, I began studying the 'Chord Dictionary' at https://steelguitaracademy.com and was amazed the LKV B->Bb drop has so many chordal uses above and beyond altering AB to a minor. The 3rd was this thread where my friend Mike Perlowin discussed his take on the value of the B-Bb change.


I tried for awhile having the B-Bb change on pedal 7, but of course that meant pulling my foot off the volume pedal when I needed it and I already have enough trouble with my awful volume pedal technique Smile

While I was at it I also ordered the Mullen 2nd string mechanical half stop. I've actually been doing pretty good with the half knee soft stop technique, but I was telling my wife about this Mullen hardware and she said, "why make something harder than it has to be?" I couldn't come up with a good reason Winking
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Lyle Dent

Little Rock ,Arkansas
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2019 10:43 am     Lkv
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Dennis, put it on and you will get use to lifting your knee without resting you feet on the pedals. I know that my Mullen is very pedal sensitive and doesn't allow for any foot pressure without changing.
Rittenberry Prestige SD-12,Mullen G2 SD-12 ,Mullen PRP S-12 BMI S-12 V8 octal, BJS Bars, LiveSteelStrings,Steelers Choice Seat.
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Dennis Montgomery

Western Washington
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2019 5:59 pm    
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Thanks Lyle, good to know. I'm hoping the parts show up tomorrow so I can install this weekend Smile
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John Goux


California, USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2019 7:44 pm    
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I’ve got some guitars with the vertical lowering G#s to Gnatural. I love that change. But I have to admit it hurts my back to hold the vertical up without having my foot on a pedal. This change is one you might engage for longer than you would the B to Bb.

I’m considering switching the pedals so the G# to G is on the LKL front, and the B drop is where everyone else seems to have it. It is also a useful change.
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 8 Mar 2019 6:50 am    
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For me, the half-step drop on the B string is so vital to my musical needs that I have it on RKL on my guitars. For the reasons stated above, I assign my least-used pulls to a vertical 'knee' as I've never got comfortable with that move.
Roger Rettig: Emmons D10, B-bender Teles, Martins, and a Gibson Super 400!
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Dennis Montgomery

Western Washington
Post  Posted 13 Mar 2019 3:56 pm    
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Installation of both parts went great...took my time and spent most of Saturday completing the job. Had to disconnect nearly all the pull rods from the bellcranks so I could get the new LKV cross-rod in place. Glad I bought the Mullen 1" extender for the vertical...much easier to reach.

Took awhile to wrap my head around how the mechanical half stop works, but got it adjusted with a lot of resistance which feels great.

While I had things disassembled, attached the string 9 tension spring. My original copedent had sharp pulls on all strings except 9 so it wasn't installed at the factory, but I still wanted one on each string since I like to try different things.

Back to playing Smile
Hear my latest album, "Celestial" featuring a combination of Mullen SD12 and Synthesizers:

Hear my album, "Armistice" featuring Fender 400 on every song:

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