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Author Topic:  Updated list of tutorial downloads
Mike Sweeney

Post  Posted 12 Feb 2019 5:57 am    
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Hey everybody!
First off, I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming response and participation regarding my steel guitar tutorials. It's very humbling when people appreciate your efforts.
With that being said, I'm going to answer some questions I've been getting and tell those of you that don't already know, how this program works and how to get them and a little about what is on the videos that are available already.
1st, these are digital downloads, not dvds. They are sent via google drive to your email. You open the link and download the files to your computer.
2nd, payment is via PayPal only.
3rd, when you order you need to include your email address so I can send you the tutorials.
4th, my PayPal address that you order from is:
Remember, it is $16 per tutorial, not $16 for all.
Now I will give you an overview of the tutorials. These things go in to a lot of detail and that makes it impossible to tell you everything included so I'm going to hit the high spots.
Tutorial #1, basically teaches you ideas to get from a 1 to 4 chord. In this tutorial I take a solo from an old tune that most everyone knows and I teach you the solo. Then I dissect it and show you how to use parts of it for fills etc.... then I show you how to use part of the solo to create a solo for another old song. So as you can see, these things can be involved.
Tutorial #2, is an addition to the 1 to 4 chord thing. Showing you how to take simple ideas and expand on them.
Tutorial # 3, also shows you how to take the simple ideas and make the more musical. There are some interesting Hal Rugg licks involved.
Tutorial #4, deals with the 9th string ( D ) and it's many uses. Several guys have told me this opened their eyes to a whole new world of possibilities.
Tutorial #5, is playing C6th type things on the E9th neck. This will give you some tools to play wester swing and blues on the "country" neck. Especially good for those that play E9th only.
Tutorial #6, is how I do chimes or harmonics.
Tutorial #7, deals with coming up with intros on the spot. Works great for turnarounds too.
Tutorial #8, takes up where #7 left off. Giving you more ideas over different chord changes.
Tutorial #9, is full of information about the 1st and 2nd string raises, 2nd string lower, B&C pedals and some interesting licks.
I hope this clears up any confusion. Feel free to contact me if you're interested.
And thanks again.
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