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Danny Harrell


Livingston, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2019 2:22 pm    
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I am using a EXH Synth 9 pedal and I really like the effect. My setup is: Guitar>Synth>Volume pedal input>Output of volume pedal to rack>speakers. However, when it is dis-engaged, it really does affect my tone, I lose a lot of warmth. It is really noticeable if I plug and unplug and compare. I tried the Radial EFX Looper, but it changes the tone. Can anyone recommend a looper that WILL NOT affect tone when dis-engaged? I have a decent tone, but I am tone freak and if it changes, I don't like re-adjusting. I don't mind paying for a good one, just don't know where to start. Thanks
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Mathew Peluso


Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2019 3:48 pm    
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I use one of these https://www.loop-master.com/looper-micro-version-p-30.html

I have a Mel9 and a Pitch Fork that are isolated in that loop because they both affect my tone. I had one of these made with a toggle switch so I could just have the pedal ready and then flip on that loop when I need it. Simple and cheap. It's true bypass so when it's off those pedals are unable to do anything to the signal.
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Brett Lanier


Hermitage, TN
Post  Posted 28 Jan 2019 12:22 pm    
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I'm doing this same thing on my board right now with a Meris Enzo and a Saturnworks Blender/Looper. A passive looper works well for this.

Having a blend knob on the loop isn't necessary but is a nice feature. I use a vol/tone pedal, so by running the Meris Enzo mostly wet and blending that signal in, most of the clean unbuffered signal is preserved, which allows the tone sweep on the volume pedal to still work.
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