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Justin Brown

Chicago, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 24 Jan 2019 2:59 pm    
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At the bottom of the Vance Terry page on the Brad’s Page of Steel website ( https://people.well.com/user/wellvis/terry.html ) there’s a list of known recordings of Vance Terry. The list includes “at least 300 sides” at the 23 Club. Has anyone here heard these? I assume this is probably more stuff with the Jimmy Rivers group.
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 24 Jan 2019 4:57 pm    
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A small portion of it has appeared on Rivers/Terry CDs on Western and Joaquin.

Most of it has never been released to the public.

Vance recorded the band on his personal reel to reel recorder for quite some time.

He kept the reels in a big cardboard box and he lent me that box for a year or so in the 1980s. I went through it and kept what I wanted.

Some of the unreleased stuff is worth hearing, some not---mostly due to recording quality. You can imagine what the sound would be like in a chaotic beer joint with a garden variety consumer level recorder running at a slow speed.

Some of the oddball tracks include How High The Moon, Hoopaw Rag, Hold It, Little Brown Gal, Curtain Call, September In The Rain, Surf Ride, Darktown Strutters' Ball, The Night Rider, Take My Hand Precious Lord, and second versions of Cherokee, Twin Guitar Special, and Back Bay Shuffle.

If I had the box at my disposal again, I might have kept more stuff, but a lot of it just wasn't worthwhile.

Vance supposedly plays on a 45 rpm by the Wes Stuart band from about 1965, released on the Accent label out of Hollywood/Whittier---but said to be recorded in SF. Stuart had a band called "Wes Stuart and The Western Caravan" active in the mid 60s SF Bay area and they made only that one 45 as far as I know.

I've heard one side of the record and I have my doubts. It could be Vance, but it's pretty much in a Ralph Mooney style--which of course Vance could have done, but it sounds incongruous after hearing him in a more jazzy setting like he was typically in with the Rivers group.
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Todd Clinesmith

Lone Rock Free State Oregon
Post  Posted 25 Jan 2019 8:55 am    
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I have some of the Jimmy Rivers 23 club outtakes around here somewhere. Not sure of the condition of it. If I can find it, and it is able to be copied I'll send one out Justin.

Billy Jack Wills era... he ( and Billy Jack Wills band) back up Paul Westmoreland on two sides.


His solos are definitely worth the listen.

He recorded on a (studio)tape for fiddlers Lisa and Dick Barrett. Probably in the 80's I've tried getting it from Lisa for several years, but it has not happened yet.
face book page:

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Charles French


Post  Posted 2 Mar 2019 9:01 am    
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boy I haven't posted here in years, or anywhere far as that goes but I came here searching for Vance Terry and saw this thread.

I saved this Jimmy Rivers & Vance Terry playlist years back from claude cat. This has probably been posted here many times but it needs to keep resurfacing...good stuff happening right here
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Jack Hanson

San Luis Valley, USA
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2019 9:42 am    
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Charles French wrote:
I saved this Jimmy Rivers & Vance Terry playlist years back from claude cat. This has probably been posted here many times but it needs to keep resurfacing...good stuff happening right here

Thank you so much for reposting!

"Good stuff happening" indeed. This is the stuff, no doubt.
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Charles French


Post  Posted 2 Mar 2019 10:30 am    
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got a good ear Jack yep...every time I listen I'm amazed at hearing so many cool riffs from Jimmy and Vance...I'll have to stop the audio and pick up my guitar and attempt to find it
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