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Author Topic:  Williams Steel Guitars
Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2019 3:28 pm    
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I don't usually do this but I need to defend my friend Bill Rudolph. On another thread a member is talking BS about Bill. He says Bill was rude and would not help him. I have dealt with Bill for the last five or six years. I bought two different guitars from him and any issues I had he talked me through. I talked to him AFTER I went to the website and downloaded the manual. As far as split screws go, Bill doesn't even put them in the guitar. When you pick up the guitar he hands a bag of them to you. There is a rodding chart on the website that explains where the rods go for the changes required.
Just for a little knowledge when you tune a split on a Williams first you tune the string open. Then tune the raise. Then with the raise still engaged engage the lever that lowers that string. Then tune the split note with the nylon tuner. Then let off the raise and tune the lowered note with the split screw. Most likely it will show flat on a tuner. Turn the split screw until the lowered note is tuned. From that point on when tuning the guitar the lower is tuned with that split screw. It's not rocket science.
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Ronald Moore


Mindoro, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2019 5:30 pm    
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I agree with Craig. I've known Bill for 25 years and have bought three guitars from him. He and Tim are always friendly and helpful in every way. I had a detailed tour of their shop and saw their Hi-tech equipment they use to produce such high quality guitars. During my visits he is taking phone calls on a regular basis and I've heard him answering questions and helping people all the time. Nuff said, Ron
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Stu Schulman

Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Post  Posted 20 Jan 2019 11:57 pm    
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Although I've never owned a Williams guitar yet ,I sent Bill some photos that I took of Lucky Oceans playing his Williams guitar a couple of years ago and He seems like the nicest guy,and this is the first post that I've ever heard someone speak negative about Bill.I ain't buying it!!
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