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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2018 10:09 am    
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In the last few months I have been a bit concerned about some issues that have arisen on my Emmons LeGrande. If I'm ever able to see a steel-tech it's usually en route to and from a far-flung gig because there's nobody for miles around where I live in Naples, FL.

Knowing I was going to be driving up to Norfolk, Va in early September I planned on calling in on Billy Knowles but my journey through NC fell on a public holiday. Billy agreed that I could call on my way back home to FL a month later but, suddenly, it turned out that I was needed in KC for October so, yet again, I was unable to visit Billy's store.

I had to do the Kansas gig with sundry minor problems on my steel but Junior Mercer kindly offered his services. So, on my way home, I stayed the night at Junior's and he worked wonders - tirelessly addressing several issues that were far beyond my capabilities. He moved pulls around at my request and his master-stroke was disengaging the counterforce unit on E9 - suddenly my pedal-action was as light as a feather! The underside of my guitar had previously looked like a dog's dinner with misaligned pull-rods all over the place. Junior tidied all that up and, on top of that, we had time for a good old chin-wag about music in general.

But one problem persisted - a C6th pedal that wouldn't allow the string to come back in tune. Thinking I needed some parts I contacted Jerry Roller. To cut a long story short, Jerry diagnosed my problem at long-distance and, with the patience of a Saint and by virtue of countless emails back-and-forth, he led me through the process of correcting the fault.

During this time my post on the Forum with a question about compensators met with a lot of support and I'm obliged once again to Lynn Stafford for writing and providing me with a chart for adjusting compensators. It's not the first time Lynn has offered to help.

I'm overwhelmed at the kindness of people in this community and I couldn't let this pass without acknowledging some of them. Billy Knowles - I'm sorry that I was unable to get to see you; I know you'd have sorted things out for me. My schedule just didn't allow it. Junior, my friend - you're like a surgeon and every time I look at the underside of my guitar you'll be remembered. Jerry Roller? I don't know how you put up with my ineptitude but we got there in the end. Lynn (and to everyone else who responded); my sincere thanks.

And finally a word about Jon Light. Perhaps if, instead of keeping my head in the sand, I had read and digested your excellent 'Sticky' right here in the 'Pedal Steel' section I might have managed things myself without bothering all these other fine people!
Roger Rettig: Emmons D10, B-bender Teles, Martins, and a Gibson Super 400!
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J R Rose


Keota, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2018 1:19 pm    
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That is nice Roger, you did well to write that, J.R.
NOTHING..Sold it all. J.R. Rose
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Kevin Fix


Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 25 Nov 2018 4:24 pm    
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 27 Nov 2018 5:32 pm    
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Roger, this is the best resource for steel players in existence. I second every word of your heartfelt post. I spend many of my evenings reading every post and enjoying the wealth of knowledge shared here. Thanks to Bob we have a forum.
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 27 Nov 2018 5:57 pm    
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Roger, this is the best resource for steel players in existence. I second every word of your heartfelt post. I spend many of my evenings reading every post and enjoying the wealth of knowledge shared here. Thanks to Bob we have a forum.
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