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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Nov 2005 7:05 pm    
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Is anyone using (2)-LKL’s on their E9-Neck w/Day~Setup? One existing LKL Lowering 4 & 8 from E to Eb. The other LKL is the new change, but; I would like an approximate location in reference to the existing LKL. Do I mount the new lever toward the center of the body or back toward the rear~apron and move the existing LKL slightly forward? Thanks for your input!

“Big John” Bechtel
’04 SD–10 Black Derby w/3 & 5 & Pad
’65 Re-Issue Fender Twin–Reverb Custom™ 15” Eminence
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Ken Williams

Post  Posted 5 Nov 2005 8:21 pm    
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John, I play the Day setup and use 2 LKL levers. A few weeks after I bought the guitar I had to move the offset lever more toward the rear of the guitar. It was hard to bring myself to drilling holes in a new guitar, but the placement was useless as it was. I would think that placement of the lever would depend on how the player sits at the steel. I've seen some that sit closer, or have more legs in under steel, than others. My offset LKL is almost touching the left side of my kneecap. Actually when I use that lever I am just using mainly my kneecap. I make any final adjustments by adjusting the starting angle of the lever. When I sit down to play I try to remember to adjust my position so that when pressing the Eb lever, I just barely miss the offset LKL. My LKL that lowers the 4th and 8th, is in close to my leg also, but I don't have any problems accidentally pressing it while pressing the offset LKL. By the way, my 2nd LKL raises the 2nd and 7th strings 1/2 tone.


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Tyler Hall

Mt. Juliet, TN
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2005 6:10 pm    
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I'm wanting to add another LKL to my Fessy. My LKL raises E's to F. I want to add another one to raise my 2'nd string a 1/2. For me that would be D to D#. I'm on the Emmons setup, but a LKL is a LKL.

For placement, I would think put one towards the back, and a little to the left. Just a thought.

D-10 Fessenden, Nashville 112, Session 500, Goodrich LDR

[This message was edited by Tyler Hall on 06 November 2005 at 06:14 PM.]

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Bill OConnor


Castle Rock, Washington, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2005 9:08 pm    
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John I have two lkl I placed mine 3" in from the outside one or the F pedal lkl and 1"closer toward the changer it lowers the 6th to F# OR to G with B pedal down It also lowers the 7th to E Mine is Emmons setup and i set at the 15th fret You could place it with more spacing between the other pedal then add a wing to reach back where you want to reach it.

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