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Author Topic:  Echodrive
Brett Lanier


Hermitage, TN
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2018 2:03 pm    
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Big and heavy for a pedal! But.. the best sounding delay pedal I've ever heard.

I'll probably regret selling soon but there are other things I'd like to acquire for now.

$360 + 20 for shipping to conus
could probably drop off in Montreal


To mark the 15th Anniversary of the Red Echodrive pedals we here at SiB wanted to do something special. So why not give our tone friend’s conveniently what they've asked for all these years!

To start we took two of our most requested Echodrive mod's (which are bypass options) and put them on a 3-Way Slide switch. No need to send your pedal to SiB for the Bypass option you want! The switch is labeled SPILL and now gives the user the following options.

TRADITIONAL BYPASS: True Bypass operation just like all Echodrives shipped originally from the factory.

ACTIVE TUBE / DELAY CANCEL BYPASS: The Echodrive is renowned for its High Voltage Tube Preamp. Numerous users leave it on all the time. However many wanted the ability to run through the Tube Preamp even when the Delay signal was bypassed. It's a wonderful sounding pre-amp, why let it go to waste! Hence we came up with the Active Tube / Delay Cancel mod, now available with the flick of the switch on the Echodrive 4.

SPILLOVER BYPASS: Previously our most requested Mod to the Echodrive. Over the last 15 years we have modified 500+ Echodrive pedals with this bypass option. This allows for the Mix Control Echo to trail off after bypassing while also creating a subtle extremely low level ambient like Echo in the background. Great for coming off a solo but then back into rhythm playing. In Spillover mode as with Active Tube mode, the High Voltage Tube preamp is always engaged.

Last but not least, the Drone features. SiB has always prided itself coming up with something different for musicians to expand their creativity in new ways. Delay and Echo lovers have always enjoyed these pedals for both the ability to add controlled and reserved Echo / Delay tones, or go into self-oscillation Echo / Delay madness. The new Drone feature enhances this by giving the user the ability to do that instantly one way or another when wanted. The Drone control adds extra repeats depending on where the control is set. The Drone switch is a Momentary switch. When depressed it gives the user the ability to infinitely repeat if desired, self-oscillate if desired for as long as one wants. Once the footswitch is released it instantly goes back to normal operation.

All of these new features found in the Echodrive 4 are off to the side of the original circuit thus preserving the original legendary and coveted Echodrive tone.

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Brett Lanier


Hermitage, TN
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2018 10:06 am    
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John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2018 1:26 am    
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Any video or audio samples of this cool pedal online?
▪️ If you want to have an ongoing discussion, please email me, don't use the Forum messaging which I detest! steelguitarlessons@earthlink.net
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Brett Lanier


Hermitage, TN
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2018 10:36 am    
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Hi John,

There are some videos out there but none that sound very good or show how this pedal is different than other delay pedals.

The thing that sets it apart from others is that it has a tube pre built in, but the delay circuit is digital - which means it can do long delay times, up to 1300 milliseconds. It's similar to a tape echo that has an adjustable input volume. You can use it to push the front end of your amp, even when the delay effect is off.

I think it's an amazing pedal, and beats the sound of the El Capistan and other delay pedals I have. For me though, with all the other stuff I have,, I've concluded that it's too big for traveling - and if I'm grabbing a big delay for recording it's probably a real tape echo.
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Tony Glassman

The Great Northwest
Post  Posted 4 Oct 2018 10:40 am    
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I have an older red echo drive. It is the best delay pedal I've ever used. Unfortunately, it's huge and a pain to haul around.
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Brett Lanier


Hermitage, TN
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2018 8:47 am    
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Sold! thanks forum
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