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Author Topic:  Studio Headphones Suggestions?
Godfrey Arthur


3rd Rock
Post  Posted 11 Aug 2018 12:03 am    
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Tony Prior wrote:
Those are indeed nice phones !

>>>It's an interesting debate regarding mixing and yeh the rules have always been do not mix in cans. Well, why not ? Pretty much everyone who listens to music these days does so in earbuds or phones connected to the PC.

>>A couple of decades ago everyone listened to music thru hi end stereo's and efficient 3-way speaker systems in the living room.

>>>Today, none of this is valid.

>>> Then we listen to it on PC speakers or thru earbuds.

>>>While obviously listening or mixing in the ref monitors is obviously a good thing, these days it may not be the final product.

Yes laptop speakers and ear buds is what things whittle down to. Hardly anyone of the younger generation these days has even a set of bookshelf speakers, let alone some decent floor standing speakers.

Although you can use older headphones, mixing with ear buds is another task to practice.

Had a VO session for a large brandy company the other day for ads to be placed on FB. Could've used a decent pair of earbuds to check the mix.

Some of these earbuds cost up the wazoo. I'm looking for something generic though that can do the job.

The MEE M6 Pro (look for the 2nd generation) is touted by some engineers to be a worthy consideration for not only stage but also studio mixing for reference. These are quite inexpensive compared to many of these types of buds with a flexible replacement system by the company. You can buy either left or right, parts instead of having to buy a whole new set.

One engineer review said getting the Comply Comfort Ts-200 ear tips makes this ear set work better. But the M6 comes with a selection of ear tips in the kit.

ShoBud The Pro 1
YES it's my REAL NAME!
Ezekiel 33:7

Last edited by Godfrey Arthur on 26 Aug 2018 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mack Quinney


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2018 8:04 am    
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These are great, although a little pricey! Used some on my last project.


Blue Microphones Sadie Premium Headphones with Built-in Amp
76 Emmons Push Pull, Williams 600, ShoBud Pro I, MSA Classic, Remington SteelMaster dbl 8, MSA Super Slide dbl 8, Gold Tone 6, And other instruments and equipment I can't afford.
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Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2018 2:17 pm    
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Les Cargill wrote:
At least try a pair of Koss KTX PRO. Whopping $16.10 on Amazon, but they're my favorite headphones.

I've used the KTX PPRO for many years to record and mix, and still use it for tracking when I need to be silent, Although I'm not sure the newer ones are as good as the ones I bought twenty-some years ago, they're great headphones.

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Dale Rottacker

Walla Walla Washington, USA
Post  Posted 29 Aug 2018 4:55 am    
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I’ve had the Audio Technica ATH-M50X in their limited Blue/Tan version... I’ve had these for about two years, which reminds me I need to take he cord I wrecked in for replacement before they won’t let me... anyhow, these are really great headphones, both for tracking and mixing. That said, I don’t use them as much as I’d like, because my ear’s ring less when I don’t. Wink
Dale Rottacker, Steelinatune™
*2021 MSA Legend, "Jolly Rancher" D10 10x9
*2021 Rittenberry, "The Concord" D10 9x9
*1977 Blue Sho-Bud Pro 3 Custom 8x6
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