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Author Topic:  Telonics Extraordinary customer service
Dale McPherson


Morristown, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2018 4:58 pm    
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Last week my new Telonics amp arrived and I was so excited to get it but it has a lot of stuff on it to learn about. The next day, Dave Beaty emailed me an told me he would like to call me and go over the particulars. Tonight he called and went over every knob and feature on the front, back of the amp along with the Lexicon unit and the extra programmed features. I have never had the CEO of a company call me and talk to me for 2 hours and explain their product in detail. Talk about extraordinary customer service. And may I add, the clearness all the way across the strings of this amp makes it unlike anything I have ever heard. Well worth the cost.
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