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Author Topic:  A11 8 String Pedal Steel Cooedent
Sandro Rocco

St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2018 12:03 pm    
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I have been really into the Don Helms B11 tuning recently and was putting around the idea of setting up an 8 string pedal steel copedent that could combine it with some C6 and E9 sounds.

I’m thinking about the following setup on a Fessenden 8 Shot for fun.
G _____________+1/2
E ___+1
G _____________+1/2
E ___+1

On the one chord fret you would have your 1 on the open, 2m and 6m can be grabbed on P1, the 4 is on P1+P2, 3m is on P2+P3, and the 5 and dim7 are on the P3 change.
The second and fourth note on the top give you that great C6 slide up to the 3/5 notes.

On the four chord fret, with P3 down you can grab a bunch of the chords in key. There’s a bunch of run opportunity there as well. And on the five chord fret, you have the 5dominant7 chord, the 2, 4 and dim7 all hanging out on the open bar. The 3m and 6m are on P1 and P1 + P2 give you that classic E9 bend into the root chord.

Any pitfalls anyone can think of? Good idea? Waste of time? I can’t find a ton of info on the 8 shot online. Is the copedent able to be changed? Or is this going to be a custom job...
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