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Author Topic:  Sho Bud pull rods
Steven Pearce

Port Orchard Washington, USA
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2017 10:01 am    
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Anybody have a picture of pull rods on a Maverick hooked up the right way?
I realize this isn’t a great steel, BUT it was something my Mom ❤️ wanted me to have
so for me it’s worth the work
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Ian Worley

Sacramento, CA
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2017 12:19 pm    
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The pics you posted in your other thread are correct. The angles of the yokes doesn't matter much. The yokes are just meant to compensate for the varying tensions and pull distances of the different strings.

The B-C# raise on string 5 is the same for both A and C pedals. The reason for the short jumper between the A and C pedal on that pull is that there is only one attachment point on the finger.

"C" pedal rods connect to strings 4 & 5
"B" pedal rods connect to strings 3 & 6
"A" pedal rods connect to string 10 and the jumper to "C" at string 5

Knee lever connects to strings 2 and 8. This is a lower, and has a spring strong enough to counteract string tension and hold the fingers firmly against the stop plate.

Tune all the raised notes to pitch first with pedals engaged, then release pedals and tune the open notes with the screws on the end plate. Tune the lowers on the knee lever with the screws on the end plate. Adjust pedal heights to taste. Play.

Here are some generic Mav pics from the forum. A simple google search will turn up a kajillion more.

Maverick fingers through the years were just whatever the pro-level fingers of the day were without the scissor mechanism. The pull rods are attached to what would be the raise helper spring hole, so there is only one pull point per finger unless you modify them or add a loop of some sort, which is fairly simple.

I hope this helps
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