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Author Topic:  An Idea Hit Me Last night
Tommy Shown


Denham Springs, La.
Post  Posted 23 Oct 2017 10:36 am    
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I had an idea last night hit me. I have a Nashville 400 a ProFex and a JBL 130 speaker. What I was thinking was hooking the JBL to the Profex out put jack and then daisy chaining it into the NV400. I wonder it that would work?
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Mike Wheeler

Delaware, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 23 Oct 2017 3:36 pm    
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Tommy, the ProFex is a preamp. It can't drive a speaker. The speaker needs to go in the NV400 amp.

The best way to use those components is to plug the ProFex into the pre-out, pwr amp in, jacks on the back of the NV400. Then put the JBL in the NV400. That should work well...except if the speaker is a D130. It might blow out because the NV400 has way more power then that speaker can handle. But it should work fine for moderate volume.
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2017 5:18 am     Nashville 400/Profex II
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Signal flow should be from your guitar to the Profex II, from the Profex II should be routed to the power amp input on the rear panel of the Nashville 400. You would have to change out the speaker though. If the JBL can't handle the power of the Nashville, then yes there is a possibility that the JBL would fail if it is driven too hard.
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Jim Sliff

Lawndale California, USA
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2017 5:16 pm    
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The JBL D130 was a 60-watt speaker when new (Same with the D120). The designer has spent years trying to dispel the misinterpretation many have had that it was a 100-watt speaker. JBL used odd methods when declaring 100 watts to be the "power rating".

A vintage one, though, can only handle about 65-75% of that, or roughly 40-45 watts of clean RMS power. Distortion puts a greater heat load on speakers and the power handling drops considerably.

I would NOT recommend using one with a NV400 unless it was in a multiple speaker arrangement with balanced loads. Running the JBL as an extension speaker in a 1x15 cab would very likely result in an early failure if the amp is turned up much at all.
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