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Author Topic:  '' Steel Guitar Jam ,,Gospel Sing ''
Gary Preston

Columbus, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2017 2:35 pm    
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Very Happy My wife and i are planning a '' Steel Guitar Jam ,,Gospel Sing ''. This will be held at our home . I have a 30'x 24' garage and a 38'x 30' blacktop pad behind our home . We will be serving food , hot dogs etc . If you plan to come please bring a covered dish .Bring your lawn chairs and a fold up tent if you have one . For the Steel Jam we will need a Bass player , Drummer , Keyboard ,Lead player ,Rhythm player , Singers '' of all styles welcome '' !I will post a '' DATE AND TIME '' as soon as we feel it will be cool enough outside . '' NO ALCOHOL PLEASE '' !!! This will be a family event .If i smell or see ALCOHOL you will be asked to leave .This is our home , so respect that . This has nothing to do with the OSGA ,OHIO . Keep your eyes on this post please . You are welcome . We want this to be a time of fellowship and friendship . Hope to see you . Gary .Oh this will be on a Saturday .
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Gary Preston

Columbus, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2017 6:29 pm     '' Sept 30 th . '' Gary Preston
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Ok folks , We have confirmed a date for our Steel Jam and Gospel Sing . Sept , 30 th . 2017 . Please R.S.V.P. if you can make it . We need to know about the food . Thanks . Gary .

Where : 3094 Hillgate Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43207--3719
Ph.# (614)491-7379 .
Date : 09-30-2017
Time ,3:00--??? Depends on how its going .
Until then : See you soon .
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Gary Preston

Columbus, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2017 8:05 am    
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My wife and I were talking about the Jam , Gospel Sing , at our home . After thinking about it we don't think we can accommodate everyone . To rent a porta John would cost us over $200.00 . So unless we can find some place else we will have to cancel the jam , Gospel sing . We will look for an inside venue to have this , I will post it if I can find another place . Sorry. God bless one and all . Gary .
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