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Author Topic:  trying to tune carter starter
Brian Doyle


Guisborough, Cleveland, U.K.
Post  Posted 8 May 2005 2:07 am    
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hello do you just tune like you are tuneing
a guitar thanks
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Dennis Wood

Savannah, TN USA
Post  Posted 8 May 2005 5:09 am    
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try this link.

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 8 May 2005 10:49 am    
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That's the simplest way. Like the link Dennis pointed you toward from Carter.

Buddy Emmons tunes his to what his simple but accurate Korg tuner says.
I may go a cent or so flat in some cases but strictly to handle temp changes under certain conditions. -Buddy Emmons-

I have been tuning mine that way for 26 years working all the time with multi-instrumental bands.

If you have read the too many tuning threads of people trying to tune "beats out", and dicking with certain strings and changes 1-15cents, you have to realise that at the end of all couple million words, mostly what they are doing is confusing beginning players, bless their hearts.

It's not easy, but it's not all that complicated.

Unless you make it that way.

If you decide to complicate it, you'll have more help than you ever imagined..

Save that for later..

Tune it, and Play it.


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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 8 May 2005 12:05 pm    
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Jeff Newman had a time tested system for getting beginers started up with as little pain as possible.
Here is a link to the tuning chart he gave to students:
His DVD's are a good way to go also if you are having trouble getting started.

I'll be over in the UK next month.Hem UK shows
Make sure you say hello if you make it to a show. I'll be happy to show you anything I can.

intonation help

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 8 May 2005 1:25 pm    
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Well Brian, between the last two posts you have the Alpha and the Omega.

Conservative Absolutism, and Liberal Incrementalism.

There is, of course, a middle ground, claimed by both "sides".

A way to tune like Buddy Emmons, Guitars, Keyboards, and other fixed pitch and fixed fretted instruments like thousands of players, limited by your tuners' accuracy and ability to train your ear to 12 equal tones. Sometimes in conflict with "beatless chords", if you demand to hear them.


A way to tune like Jeff Newmann and thousands of players that don't believe anybody can, or should have to. Still depending on tuners and learning to play a "tone center" over and with instruments that don't tune that way..

Both have been proven to be successful, which is the best reason to find the simplest way and go on about your learning.

Do let us know what you decide..

There'll be a test in 20 years or so.


The short answer to your question is "Yes".

Depending on which ten to twenty thousand players you ask..
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James Sission


Sugar Land,Texas USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2005 3:24 pm    
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Brian, I have the carter starter video and it takes you step by step through the tuning process for your guitar. They show you exactly how to tune it and how to tune the pedals and levers. Its VERY simple to follow and will save you tons of time and confusion reading all the opinions you will find here. I would suspect if you emailed Ann or John Fabian at Carter, they would send you a CD....James
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Brian Doyle


Guisborough, Cleveland, U.K.
Post  Posted 10 May 2005 7:04 am    
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thank you for your replys
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