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Author Topic:  Nashville 400 update question / comment
Dana LaFever


New York, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2017 4:27 am    
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Wouldn't it be nice if Peavey made a retrofit update for the Nashville 400 (replacement amp utilizing the newer lightweight class D amps). Keep the same sound profile, just cleaner - lighter amp. OR is there an amp out there that has similar tonal qualities built with the new amp design?? Would be interested in hearing what others have discovered or are using. Here is why I ask:

I use external effects but for my taste and ears, the Nashville 400 produces the best bite and tone for single coil pickup equipped guitars and also not bad for 6 string guitar if you play both. The problem is ... these amps are heavy, much heavier than the Nashville 1000 which btw are a good choice for humbucker equipped steels but in my experience just not a good choice for 6 string lead guitar if you play both. So looking for the 400 sound but in a lighter package. I have not tried any other steel amps so I can only compare or comment on the 400 and 1000.

Thanks for any comments, suggestions or exchange of ideas you might offer.
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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2017 5:29 am    
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Well, it just so happens there is.

Now, not a RETROfit, because people wanted a lighter weight cabinet.

So after years of design, Hartley Peavey came through for us steelers again.

The new Session 115. And it is made in the USA
While not yet in stores, it should be soon and I can you one and put you on the waiting list.

AUTHORIZED George L's, Goodrich, Telonics and Peavey Dealer: I have 2 steels and several amps. My current rig of choice is 1993 Emmons LeGrande w/ 108 pups (Jack Strayhorn built for me), Goodrich OMNI Volume Pedal, George L's cables, Goodrich Baby Bloomer and Peavey Nashville 112. Can't get much sweeter.
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2017 6:29 am     Peavey
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You've got to hear it to believe it!
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Dana LaFever


New York, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2017 6:29 am     wasn't aware
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Thanks you for sharing!
I called Peavey maybe 2 or 3 months ago, think I may have also emailed, and they simply replied that they were happy I liked the Nashville 400 but stated that there is not a retrofit available nor is there any foreseeable plan to update the amps. They did not mention the 115.

I did some searching and it looks some places are selling the amps at $1400. I'm thinking I would want to try one before committing to the price tag.

I'm also wondering if they modeled it after the 112, or the Nashville 1000, or the Nashville 400, or maybe the sessions, as they do say based on proven steel amp design. All of the aforementioned amps were used by steel pickers but they were not all the same. Guess I may wait for feedback from users or possible find one I can try.
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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2017 9:09 am    
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Same EQ as the Nashville 400, Nashville 112, and Nashville 1000. That's the proven track record for PV
AUTHORIZED George L's, Goodrich, Telonics and Peavey Dealer: I have 2 steels and several amps. My current rig of choice is 1993 Emmons LeGrande w/ 108 pups (Jack Strayhorn built for me), Goodrich OMNI Volume Pedal, George L's cables, Goodrich Baby Bloomer and Peavey Nashville 112. Can't get much sweeter.
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George Seymour

Notown, Vermont, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2017 9:54 am    
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Yes but can you try one. I'd really like to take the new session 115 for a spin....
Old Emmons D-10's & Wrap Resound 65, Standel amps!
Old Gibson Mastertones
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