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Author Topic:  Part 3: PSG pickups for BMR + D130F
Tom Gorr


Three Hills, Alberta
Post  Posted 23 Jan 2017 7:02 pm    
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To my pleasant surprise, discovered that the combination of my main six string guitar and the Bandmaster Reverb Ch1 and the D130F is one of the finest clean electric guitar rigs I have ever played through. T=5.5 .B=4.5 Brite On... Roll tone and vol controls on gtr to taste.

Dialing in my regular PSG on Ch2 is a bit more challenging, required a lot of finessed pot turns landing roughly at T=4.25 M=9.5 B=3.5. Brite either way sounds ok...just more air with it on. I don't believe I have reached its potential. Clean..clear and smooth but a little hollow... like the sound of the tinkle on a wine glass or glass bell.

My main steel is a lacquer Fessy with E66 pickups. The E66s have always worked better for me with speakers with thicker richer mids.

I haven't tried my 74 Shobud... but expect it would be naturally great with this rig because the SB pickup have always sounded fat and rich ...smooth top...with a hard pick attack in comparison to E66... thus countering the mid scoop of this tube amp and speaker combi.

This Fessy has sufficient fatness in its fundamental tone, but I need a different pickup voicing.

For those who play modern all pull steels through a Fender tube amp with a comparable speaker - what recommendations would you have for a modern pickup that brings fat rich and smooth?
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 23 Jan 2017 8:32 pm    
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My Zum has a Truetone on the E9th and a Tonealigner on the C6th both sound excellent in my Twins and my Milkman
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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