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Author Topic:  "The Healer" and Olivier Messiaen's "Louange" - live
Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jan 2017 1:41 pm    
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For the few who might find this of interest . . .

This is a video from a solo performance at the Silent Barn in Brooklyn, NY. I remember it was so cold in there, I thought about wearing my winter coat while I played. In this video is one of my compositions, "The Healer"; and at 4:00 I play Olivier Messiaen's "Louange à l'Éternité de Jésus" (Praise to the eternity of Jesus) which was written as part of his Quartet for the End of Time while he was in a German prisoner of war camp. The piece was first performed inside the camp by a quartet of French prisoners.

The Louange was written for cello and piano - this is my transcription (note for note) for the pedal steel guitar. I hope you enjoy the music.


"So this is how you swim inward. So this is how you flow outwards. So this is how you pray."
- Mary Oliver
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