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Author Topic:  Roland GX 80 settings
Brian Waits

Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2016 4:18 am    
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Anyone have recommendations for settings on the Roland GX 80 ? Preferences vary I know but just a starting point. I've been at it for a few months now but just dont seem to find the sound I'm looking for and unsure how to explain it other than lack of talent on my end...lol
I'm a retired radio air personality so familiar with the old school sound. I am currently trying a session 400 limited as well but it really doesn't sound as good as my Roland 80 GX. I don't move the system and don't anticipate ever playing a gig. Just looking to satisfy myself.
I have a Stage 1 that I purchased from Doug Earnest and am very happy with it so far.
Also, anyone use an external reverb on the Roland GX 80 ?
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Dick Sexton

Greenville, Ohio
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2016 5:07 am     Roland 80
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This is where I start on my 80XL, sorry the pic is dark.
I've also found you have to play with the Gain/Volume to get a clean sound. Roland probably had guitar players in mind when they designed these things and gave them the ability to be dirtied up fairly easily.

Bright Off
Lead On
Solo Off

I'd be interested what others are using also

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2016 6:29 am    
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I have an 80GX. Can't say I'm impressed with it for Pedal Steel Guitar. I bought it mainly to use for lead guitar.

My wife is using it with her GFI Expo S-10, at home only. I'm not sure if I have it correct, but this is how its presently set.
Bass and Mid approx. 1 O'clock. Treble 11 O'clock and Presence 9 O'clock. Using the "Tweed" model.

The Session 400 IS a steel guitar amp and barring a problem with the amp you should be able to get a very good steel guitar sound out of it. I had a Session 400 LTD (it was my backup amp at the time) and it took me a while to get the EQ set for what I wanted, but eventually I got the "sweet spot".
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Ollin Landers

Willow Springs, NC
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2016 7:27 am    
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Here are my settings

Bass = 9 o'clock

Mid = 9-10 o'clock

Treble = 10 o'clock

Pres = 11 o'clock

Reverb effects to taste.

I saw a youtube video that had a great tutorial on how to set the EQ on a Roland Cube 80XL. Can't find it right now.

It's about the same method for setting any amp EQ by ear.

Start ALL controls totally left or off.

Then pluck the lowest string and move the bass control left to right. You'll hear a point where the bass just starts to come up. Slow down the left right motion until you fine tune it. You should be able to hear a sweet spot where the bass sounds good. Remember less is often more.

Repeat the same procedure with the mid and treble using the appropriate strings.
Zum SD-12 Black, Zum SD-12 Burly Elm Several B-Bender Tele's and a lot of other gear I can't play.

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