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Author Topic:  string buzz
David Wisson


Bedford, Bedfordshire, England
Post  Posted 16 Jan 2005 6:39 am    
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Hi fellow Forumites I have this realy anoying string buzz,from the 5th string down.Its fine on open strings but from the first fret all the way up the neck is this buzz and the slightest movement of the bar makes a tremelo/wah wah sound,and if the strings are strumed it sounds like a rattle and if a grip of three strings are picked it sounds like a octave divider.All of the above was carried out without amplification.The guitar is a 12 string I am making it has emmons le grande changer fingers and gauged rollers that I have adjusted by cutting the axle in to 12 bits and adjusted the hights with bits of feller gauges under the axles to get it in plain it still needs slight adjustment but I dont think this is my main problem.The body of the guitar is 1/2" hard rock maple with formica inside and out,with a ali carter style back apron and front cross bar mounting.Apart from changer unit, ali neck, machine head unit,pick up and 1/4" end plates there are no other parts conected yet.I have no great hurry to get this guitar finnished as its more of a hobby but I would like to sort out the buzz before I make any more parts.I am using Ernie Ball strings but have ordered some Jagwires. They are new strings and I have them on my Emmons p/p and dont have this problem. Sorry for the long winded post I just hope some of you experts out there can help me out.

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Jerry Erickson


Atlanta,IL 61723
Post  Posted 16 Jan 2005 7:00 am    
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Sounds like a problem with your changer. Is your changer a new changer? If it's used, is there wear on the changer from the string passing over the changer? Where the string passes over the changer it should be round and smooth.
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David Wisson


Bedford, Bedfordshire, England
Post  Posted 16 Jan 2005 7:24 am    
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Thanks for your quick respons but the changer fingers and gauged rollers are new direct from Emmons

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