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Author Topic:  National Polychrome Tricone
Steve Honum


Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2001 11:56 am    
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Has anyone tried playing the new National Polychrome Tricone lap-steel style? They now offer this model with a square neck as a special order. How do they compare to the nickel plated brass bodies (beside being less expensive)?? I tried a baked enamel finished vintage Triolian (?) square neck at the California Guitar Show and it sounded and played great, even with the 'biscuit' style single resonator (they were asking too much $$ though so I passed on it).
Haere mai
Steve H.

[This message was edited by Steve Honum on 20 July 2001 at 01:50 PM.]

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Dana Duplan


Ramona, CA
Post  Posted 20 Jul 2001 2:28 pm    
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National has CD's with Brozman playing and describing the various instruments in the line. He generally describes the steel bodies as more "clanky" with a scooped midrange. The plated brass guitars he describes as somewhat smoother and less "aggressive", with enhanced midrange. I've played the roundneck versions of both, but unfortutately not squarenecks since they are a special order. I have played a vintage squareneck Triolian that is just that--very brash and in your face, but an excellent instrument. I currently play old German Silver tricones and they are a bit less aggressive. I haven't been too excited about the brass guitars, they sound a bit dull to my ear. If I were to order a new one with a sq. neck, I would certainly consider the Polychrome--the three cones should mellow it a bit vs. the single cone models. The jury is still out on the finish for me though!
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Mike D


Phx, Az
Post  Posted 21 Jul 2001 2:12 pm    
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Having built and played both steel and brass (and wood) tricones I'll agree with "Da Broz's" description. Maybe a little extra sustain on the brass models. To my ears the German Silver is the happy middle in metal bodies, the sweetness of brass with a slightly more biting tone. The wood gives a fullness and sustain that is something else altogether.
One thing about tricones is there is a lot of variation from guitar to guitar. Set up being quite picky on them.
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