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Author Topic:  Gibson GA 30 Intruder Early 60's
Mark Hershey


New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2016 8:17 am    
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Anyone use one of these?

I was in a local music shop last night and we were talking about pedal steel. The owner pointed out a Gibson GA 30 Intruder from the early 60's and told me it was a highly sought after amp for steel.

I did a few google searches and see a few more of these amps posted with the same claim but when I search on the forum I found little about them.

Just curious to learn a bit more about these amps.
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Michael Butler

California, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2016 9:24 am    
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i have a bunch of gibson amps from that era but not the ga30. there were a couple of different versions of it. the ga30 was produced 1948-61. in 60 and 61 it was tweed covered, had 2x6V6 tubes for about 14 watts. it had both a 12" and an 8" speaker.

in 61 only, they added the name, invader, and the ga30rv designation for reverb. also tweed covered. still had the same two speakers as previous, but with more modern preamp tubes.

in 62, they added the ga30rvt, with the addition of tremolo to the reverb. the second speaker was changed to a 10", and power to 25 watts. it would have a brown covering and the power tubes were changed to 7591.

some of my gibson amps have the reverb and tremolo. they are both different sounding than fender amps but i really like having that difference. gibson amps, mostly, need to be turned up to get a great sound but they are usually very clean sounding.

hope this helps you somewhat in your decision, but, best to play thru it and see if you like it or not.

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Mark Hershey


New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2016 10:28 am    
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Michael Butler wrote:
i have a bunch of gibson amps from that era but not the ga30. there were a couple of different versions of it. the ga30 was produced 1948-61. in 60 and 61 it was tweed covered, had 2x6V6 tubes for about 14 watts. it had both a 12" and an 8" speaker.

in 61 only, they added the name, invader, and the ga30rv designation for reverb. also tweed covered. still had the same two speakers as previous, but with more modern preamp tubes.

in 62, they added the ga30rvt, with the addition of tremolo to the reverb. the second speaker was changed to a 10", and power to 25 watts. it would have a brown covering and the power tubes were changed to 7591.

some of my gibson amps have the reverb and tremolo. they are both different sounding than fender amps but i really like having that difference. gibson amps, mostly, need to be turned up to get a great sound but they are usually very clean sounding.

hope this helps you somewhat in your decision, but, best to play thru it and see if you like it or not.

play music!

The one I was looking at was the GA30rvt that you were describing.

Very informative post, I appreciate it.
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