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Author Topic:  Beatbuddy mini
David Weisenthal


Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 17 May 2016 6:41 pm    
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I searched the Forum for this guitar pedal called the beatbuddy, and its little brother the beatbuddy mini, but I found very little. I bought the beatbuddy mini, and tested it today. First let me say that I am no expert on drumming or rhythm, I know only the basics. Unfortunately the beatbuddy mini had no simple train rhythm, or country shuffle for doing some jamming in old Buck Owens and Ray Price Style songs. A very neat little device, but I guess more geared towards newer music even though it had 5 country styles. The more expensive beatbuddy for about $300, supposedly can be programmed and songs recorded so that should handle it. Just not sure if I want to spend that much. If I get it, I'll update this post. Even the crappy old drum machine I bought used on eBay 15 years ago had basic swing and Shuffle patterns. that's the weird thing. But that machines long gone.
Derby SD10, Peavey Session 400
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2016 5:04 am    
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Dave, interesting to get some input on this device. I have had a basket of the older stuff, boss, korg, roland etc. All leave me searching for a better box. Hope you find something usable and let us in on it.
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