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Author Topic:  Can any humbucker be coil tapped ?
Jeff Metz Jr.

York, Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 18 May 2016 2:48 pm    
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I am looking to switch to a single coil pickup from a George L's 10-1 pickup.
I am completely fine with completely eliminating the George L's but before I do, Is there a way to coil tap it for single and double coils? Humbucker would be nice in the studio.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 18 May 2016 2:59 pm    
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Only if one of the following is true (and B is almost NEVER true):
1) the maker leaves the wires between the coils free to the outside (like Bill Lawrence or Wilde do) or
B) you're able to chip away at whatever the maker potted the pickup with and free the wire.
I think George L potted with epoxy.
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