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Author Topic:  What was Four is now Three (& 6 is 8)


Boulder, Colorado
Post  Posted 23 May 2001 8:11 pm    
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I recently got an old "More Harmony" Regal stencil single cone reso. It had been thru some kind of bad accident- the headstock was completely broken, and a major crack ran down the side. It had been retro'd casually into a 7 string at some point. The perfect axe for tinkering with.
My friend glued it back together (before he sold it to me). I went all the way and made it into an eight string.
A while back Tom Olson asked why spiders don't have 3 legs. It sounded like a good idea so I made one.
I machined an aluminum hub, and drilled it out at 60 degrees each for some quarter inch carbon fiber tubes I have. I pounded the tubes in, made a maple bridge for the top of the hub and presto- composite 3 legged spider bridge.
I'm a newcomer to dobros so I can't really say if it's good or not. There isn't any buzzing (there couldn't be) and the sustain is better. It sounds better to me than the crude old 4 legger that was in there. It isn't lighter, but the mass is in the center where it drives the cone. Seems to work ok. Sorry that I can't post pictures yet. Maybe when I get a quarterman I'll get some up somehow. Happy reso-ing, Sage

[This message was edited by Sage on 23 May 2001 at 09:17 PM.]

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