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Author Topic:  Wiring an Emmons Pentad
Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 15 Jul 2015 6:50 pm    
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I need help from someone who knows piokups. I have some Emmons Pentad pickup which are two single coil
pickups taped together side by side, each one having about 18K ohms. If I wire them in series I believe it would result in about 36K humbucker which seems too much to me. If I wire the two coils parallel I would have a 9K humbucker which I think would be very bright. I am trying to figure how to get a good humbucker which sounds good without the wafer switch to select different combinations of the coils. I believe hooking up only one of the coils would result in an Emmons single coils with like sound. Can someone enlighten me?
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Jack Stanton

Somewhere in the swamps of Jersey
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2015 4:52 am    
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I have pentads on my SKL with a five way rotary switch. It gives me two different single coil sounds- one very bright, one slightly less bright but with more bottom, a humbucker that sound very close to the second position, and two funky out of phase tones that are pretty much unusable because of volume drop (although one sounds pretty close to the Matcbro sound).
I mainly use the first position, but I can tell you there's no difference in output , and very little in tone. It sounds good!
I think theres a diagram somewhere on the forum ( although it my be for the George L 5 way)
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Ron Whitworth

Yuma,Ariz.USA Yeah they say it's a DRY heat !!
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2015 6:03 am    
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Hello Jerry;
This is all I found on it but maybe it will help you out. I certainly hope so.

"Tone is in the hands. Unless your wife will let you buy a new amp. Then it's definitely in that amp."

We need to turn the TWANG up a little

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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 16 Jul 2015 9:27 am    
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from everything i've heard about the pentad pickup, of the 5 positions, there is one that is kind of ok.
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