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Author Topic:  Hi mom, sorry you won't hear me, I got cut
Bo Legg

Post  Posted 8 Jul 2015 12:08 pm    
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The band was critiquing the songs they wanted to save on a CD from the gig a week earlier.

I was switching back and forth from guitar and Steel and the piano player was switching back and forth from piano to guitar.

To make a long story short they cut out all the songs that I played a steel solo on.

They were apologetic and nice about it but basically what they said was that what I played was good but I was just not playing close enough to the melody and it just sounded out of place with the songs to them but they still want me to play with them.

Personally I didn’t think what I played was all that good (It was just one of those gigs you sleep through and can’t help but just phone it in ) but my playing seemed to me to fit fine since they weren’t playing any songs even close to the original.

So I’m sure since folks don’t want to hurt feelings they were really saying they don’t like my steel playing.

Heck I don’t like it either! Laughing So ask me if I give a crap!

Here is one example they threw at me for not including the songs. I’m sure it wasn’t what Paul or Buddy would have played but it was close enough to the melody and I lead the singer back in, what else do you need to do?
click here
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Barry Blackwood

Post  Posted 8 Jul 2015 12:51 pm    
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Personally I didn’t think what I played was all that good (It was just one of those gigs you sleep through and can’t help but just phone it in ) but my playing seemed to me to fit fine since they weren’t playing any songs even close to the original.

Oh Well
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DG Whitley

Post  Posted 8 Jul 2015 1:09 pm    
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Maybe it's just me, but why play with people who don't want your playing on the group's CD. I think I'd walk.

My 2 cents, YMMV.
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2015 1:28 pm    
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Maybe if they'd been playing so that you could get the feel it'd be different, but I'm not feeling it.
Is the bass player doing a samba and the drummer a shuffle?
Those that say don't know; those that know don't say.--Buddy Emmons
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2015 5:19 pm    
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They were apologetic and nice about it but basically what they said was that what I played was good but I was just not playing close enough to the melody and it just sounded out of place with the songs to them but...

I think that when people tell you to "Just play the melody" it's an aphorism for "You're pitchy", "Your timing is off", "You have no imagination", "You don't really know this song", or "We hate that whiny stuff!"

If all I ever got to play was "the melody", I'd have quit as soon as I learned to play the melody.
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2015 6:03 pm    
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Donny Hinson wrote:
I think that when people tell you to "Just play the melody" it's an aphorism for "You're pitchy", "Your timing is off", "You have no imagination", "You don't really know this song", or "We hate that whiny stuff!"

I wonder if 'you're pitchy.. timing.. imagination' etc aren't aphorisms for 'Just play the melody,' as if that's all they can hear.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2015 12:44 am    
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Uh..I think it sounds just fine.Good playing, good licks, good pitch...It's Teddy Bear for cryin out loud ! IT's not like they are playing songs to be discovered ! Geesh..

Personally I think someone is intimidated by you , the Steel and your playing.

A Country band making a CD, cutting out the tunes with a Steel . Now there's a novel concept, something we've never heard of before !

Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2015 12:56 am    
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Along the lines of a local band making a CD. Not to take away from Bo's post.

RE: CD's > Steel > Band leaders...

I got a call about 2 months ago to fill in for a guy once a month, on Steel...I said ok sure, it's a nice easy gig, PAYS good, it's a SR's Dance, they are so appreciative.

So I agree to 4 or 5 gigs, then the leader calls me and says we have a CD just about done, would you mind adding Steel to 4 or 5 songs ? I said sure...

So I arranged for the guy engineering to come on over and we did the tracks on my Pro Tools system, he was a real nice guy, knew what he was doing, we had a good time, took about 2 hrs , I knew all the songs in my sleep but had to play in and out of a banging piano, which is no longer part of the band. Thats who I replaced.

OK CD',s done, I get a call from the band leader, the Engineer needs and additional $150 for his time to complete the CD...The band leader says to me, it's $35 each so we will split it 5 ways ! HUH ???

I'm not even part of the band ! Smile

BUT, I decided to hang with them the rest of the year as they contracted the gig thru Dec and asked me to play it with them for the next 6 months..

So I caved on the $35 bucks... Oh Well

Oh well...but at least the Steel is on the 5 tracks.

They are nice enough people but I am certain I would never have been this bold... Oh Well
Emmons L-II , Fender Telecasters, B-Benders , Eastman Mandolin ,
Pro Tools 12 on WIN 7 !
jobless- but not homeless- now retired 9 years

CURRENT MUSIC TRACKS AT > https://tprior2241.wixsite.com/website
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2015 3:58 am    
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Charlie McDonald wrote:

I wonder if 'you're pitchy.. timing.. imagination' etc aren't aphorisms for 'Just play the melody,' as if that's all they can hear.

No, I don't think so. This wasn't a session at a studio, but a simple live gig, so the "rules" should be different. When the pressure's on, as in a studio, the producer or artist has the right to direct your playing. But at a live gig, you should all be having a good time (within reason), and be entertaining. If not, the crowd will sense the tenseness, and see all those furtive glances, and respond accordingly.

A good question to ask yourself at any gig is..."If they don't really like me, and what I'm doing, why am I here?"
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2015 5:11 am    
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I imagine you're right, Donny. Maybe I was expressing of the limits of a lot of bands in stepping out, questioning matters of taste.
But I'm sure you're right about the difference in the situation, where fun should be of equal priority.

But I liked it Bo; like other work of yours I heard, it definitely stepped out the the band box that was there.
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Jack Harper


Mississippi, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2015 5:24 am    
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look bo;
I'm not a steel player, but, I do know where to draw the line on acceptable playing and not acceptable. I have heard a lot of live recorded gigs that the steel player definitely missed the points. and mostly the engineer missed the steel in the mix. if the recording quality is as good or better than Nashville then I guess the players are equal also. I heard nothing in your lead that did not fit the song. at least it was a breath of freshness.
what I did hear was a singer that was not equal to the expectations that the band seemed to have for the project, as they say. if the singer is pushing for this he needs to get his money back, 'cause somebody dropped his channel and did not turn on auto-tune either.
that's my take....
yo' mama would be proud, regardless!
country jack....
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Rich Upright

Florida, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2015 2:46 pm    
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Tell them you're out because the lead singer did not sound like he was supposed to (Elvis) and that the bass player & drummer have zero idea what "in the pocket" means.
A couple D-10s,some vintage guitars & amps, & lotsa junk in the gig bag.
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Bo Legg

Post  Posted 10 Jul 2015 10:10 am    
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Well I called the guy that does most of the singing and told him I don't want them to ever mention my name as being in the band or on the CD and lose my phone number.
He talked like he had no Idea they were going to try to make a CD out of that crappy recording.
I agreed with him that it was crap.
But I thought he is just passing the buck so I said I had to go and said good bye.
Well he left me a message today and says I'm putting together a new band. I know you're playing this weekend so come over if you want Wednesday evening, bring your steel, I'm checking out some new folks and see what you think.
What the heck!!!!
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Zeke Cory

Hinsdale, New York USA
Post  Posted 10 Jul 2015 12:19 pm     I would ask before hand ...
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If this is gonna cost another $ 35.00 for you to try out !
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Dave Hopping

Aurora, Colorado
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2015 8:58 am    
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We're starting to mix overripe apples and bananas here.The version of "Teddy bear" is just abysmal-too fast,too busy,and too(badly)syncopated.As good a player as Bo is,there really isn't anything anyone could do to save that cut-except maybe get Bill Black,Scotty Moore,and J.D. Fontana to come in and play the tune right.

Tony's situation is another brand of overripe fruit-plain old bandleader skullduggery.There's no reason to think the engineer actually got the extra $150.
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LJ Eiffert


California, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2015 10:52 am    
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Bo Legg. So you said. Ask me if I give a crap? That's the first thing that is wrong with the over all sound of the song.Bo,nothing is wrong with your steel playing. It like everybody is playing for them self and the singer is on the melody of what he thinks. Sad,but this thing is playing is every where these days. I live with this same thing now. It's ain't no big thing. Your music gigs are to just have fun in playing it and when it ain't that, leave it. Arrow
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2015 12:57 pm     It happens everywhere!
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I did a couple of sessions a few years back.....NO PAY! But I grabbed it for the studio challenge and the experience with new musicians.......to me.

One CD had 26 songs on it. While packing up, the leader's wife inquired how I might like to play with a piano in the group. I gave her my view but when the CD came out I was away back in the mix and sure enough, a piano had been added.

In the beginning, I set up my volume with the engineer and all was okay. When it was completed, there was a little discussion why I failed to play louder. They simply had backed me off.

In spite of the aforementioned, when I later arrived in Hawaii, Alan Akaka within only minutes of my arrival in 'The Housed Without a Key' asked me if "I" was the steel player on that CD. I was rather impressed since no introduction had even been made.

It was a fun gig anyway you look at it.
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Bo Legg

Post  Posted 12 Jul 2015 2:28 pm    
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Well I think I can put this more in perspective.
I'm retired and and I only play with several different local bands on weekend gigs only when they call.
I stay pretty busy without being committed to anyone particular band.
So expectations are not high in regards to quality of musicians but it seems the bar is set higher for steel players here and I attribute that not to my playing but rather to all the great steel players around this area.
When you play steel around here you better come with your A game or be prepared for a butt kicking.
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